Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday Iraq Report

Thursday: 1 US Soldier, 20 Iraqis Killed; 20 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 5:30 p.m. EST, Jan. 31, 2008

For the third day in a row, Baghdad saw a number of small bombings. One explosion killed an American soldier. At least 20 Iraqis were killed or found dead and 20 more were wounded in attacks across the country. Meanwhile, the head of a parliamentary committee warns of the dire consequences facing Iraqi war widows. Also, military authorities reported that military suicides are up by as much as 20 percent, while Bush administration officials released stricter rules to govern security contractors in Iraq

Updated at 11:50 p.m. EST, Jan. 31, 2008

For the third day in a row, Baghdad saw a number of small bombings. At least 23 Iraqis were killed or found dead and 38 more were wounded in attacks across the country. Two U.S. soldiers were also killed. Meanwhile, the head of a parliamentary committee warns of the dire consequences facing Iraqi war widows. Also, military authorities reported that troopmember suicides are up by as much as 20 percent, and Bush administration officials released stricter rules to govern security contractors in Iraq.

A roadside bomb explosion killed an American soldier today in Baghdad, while another U.S. servicember was killed by indirect fire in Tikrit.

From Wingnut Wizardette Malkin

Today's lesson in wingnut logic is more akin to a gaffe
or a nugget of truthiness. Take your pick.
From the mouth of the wingnut wizardette herself.

So, Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed John McCain. He extolled McCain for “reach[ing] across the political aisle to get things done.”

We’ll hear that annoying platitude a bazillion and one times through Super Tuesday and beyond.

To which I say: When did it become the Republican Party’s top priority to “get things done"


Man O man, Michelle nails it on this one. We're half way thru the 110th Congress and Republicans have already broke all records for filibusters. They're on pace to double that dubious distinction of being the filibuster Kings of all time in American history. Hoorah! Michelle, hoorah. By your noble standards the current minority in congress has succeeded in getting little done by blocking everything that moves thru the US Senate.

tip from Sadly, No!

Wednesday Iraq Report--Mr. Bush's Gift to Iraq

Wednesday: 28 Iraqis Killed, 35 Wounded courtesy of

Updated at 9:00 p.m EST, Jan. 30, 2008

A flurry of small bombings continued in and around Baghdad for the second day in a row. Overall, at least 28 Iraqis were killed and 35 more wounded throughout the country. No Coalition deaths were reported. Also, two new studies reported significant new findings concerning Iraqi war deaths and wounded American soldiers.

According to an Opinion Research Group poll, over one million Iraqis have died since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.


One million dead Iraqi's Mr. Bush. It's a good thing we got rid of Saddam Hussein so Iraqi's could be free and safe from his murderous ways. Now over one million have no more worries at all!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

George W. Bush - A Law Unto Himself

Bush asserts authority to bypass defense act

Calls restrictions unconstitutional

President Bush said Congress's prohibition on building permanent military bases in Iraq infringes on his executive powers.
Email|Print| Text size + By Charlie Savage Globe Staff / January 30, 2008

WASHINGTON - President Bush this week declared that he has the power to bypass four laws, including a prohibition against using federal funds to establish permanent US military bases in Iraq, that Congress passed as part of a new defense bill.


What an arrogant ass we have for a President. So for you pea brain Republicans who voted this narcissistic brat in for two terms as President, if Hllary or Barrack decides they want to militarize the planet what are you going to say. No doubt you'll cry foul as your heads explode. But remember, it's your fault. We tried to warn you, but your allegiance to the "conservative cause" has brought us here, to a President who believes he is King and his serfdom includes the Congress and the Courts.

It's not the first time Bush has exceeded his authority, but this is one of the most egregious. A President who can permanently assign the US Military to occupy any country he wants in spite of US law and Constitution. OK! Ms Pelosi can we impeach the seditious SOB now!

And permanent bases in Iraq is not the only law he doesn't like in the Defense Bill.

The signing statement also targeted a provision in the defense bill that strengthens protections for whistle-blowers working for companies that hold government contracts. The new law expands employees' ability to disclose wrongdoing without being fired, and it gives greater responsibility to federal inspectors general to investigate complaints of retaliation.

In addition, Bush targeted a section that requires intelligence agencies to turn over "any existing intelligence assessment, report, estimate or legal opinion" requested by the leaders of the House and Senate armed services committees within 45 days. If the president wants to assert executive privilege to deny the request, the law says, White House counsel must do so in writing.

Finally, Bush's signing statement raised constitutional questions about a section of the bill that established an independent, bipartisan "Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan" to investigate allegations of waste, mismanagement, and excessive force by contractors.

The law requires the Pentagon to provide information to the panel "expeditiously" upon its request.


Hurry up January, 2009!!!!!!!1

Good Luck John Edwards

Edwards quitting presidential race — (CNN) — Former Sen. John Edwards is dropping out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, CNN has learned. — Edwards has told top advisers about his decision. It is expected he will announce it at a speech in New Orleans, Louisiana, at 1 p.m. Wednesday.
John was my guy and the only candidate I trust to scale back the excessive power big corporations have gained the last 30 years, especially the last 8. I have no problem voting for either Hillary or Barack, but then I'd vote for uncle Elmer's yellow dog before I'd vote for a Republican--at least for the foreseeable future. Anyways John, adios and good luck and may you and Elizabeth be healthy, because your already wealthy and wise.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday Iraq Report

Tuesday: 34 Iraqis Killed, 46 Wounded

At least 34 Iraqis were killed and another 46 were wounded in attacks mostly targeting civilians and security personnel. Nineteen of the victims were found in a gruesome discovery in Muqdadiyah. No Coalition deaths were reported.

A suicide car bomb in Mosul left one dead and as many as 15 Iraqis injured. The target was a U.S. patrol, but no Americans were injured. This attack comes a day after five Americans were killed in a combined attack in the Sumer neighborhood, and as Iraqi troops descend on the city to rid it of suspected al-Qaeda elements.

Tuesday: 1 US Soldier, 61 Iraqis Killed; 56 Iraqis Wounded
Updated at 8:30 p.m EST, Jan. 29, 2008

At least 61 Iraqis were killed and another 56 were wounded in attacks mostly targeting civilians and security personnel. Nineteen of the victims were found in a gruesome discovery in Muqdadiyah. The DOD reported that a U.S. soldier died Sunday of wounds received in a roadside bombing last July. Also, President Bush said that a slowdown in troop withdrawal is likely.

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Darkness of Lord Cheney

From Thinkprogress

Cheney has piece of house where Zarqawi died ‘on display.’

In a cover story on “how Bush decided on the surge,” the Weekly Standard’s Fred Barnes declared that “it’s clear the surge has been a success” and noted that Vice President Dick Cheney has a gruesome souvenir from Iraq:

The week before Camp David, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, the al Qaeda leader in Iraq, had been killed. (Cheney has a piece of the house where Zarqawi died on display at his residence.)

Image from my questionable imagination and photoshop skills.

The Bloody Game of Whack-o-Mole Continues

This is what the warmongers won't tell you. There still isn't enough American troops to chase Al Quaida from Iraq. It's always one more offensive or one more operation and we'll have them on the ropes. Iraq now has close to a half-million man army with 5 years to train up to defend their country. Once again, the problem is not for lack of training--it is for lack of will and cohesion of the numerous fractured parts we call Iraq. Eight more US soldiers killed in the past two days.
I wonder if GW Bush will mention them tonight in his State of the Union screed. I kind of doubt it.

Monday: 5 US Soldiers, 17 Iraqis Killed; 15 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 12:30 p.m. EST, Jan. 28, 2008

Five American soldiers were killed during a combined attack today in Mosul. Overall, 17 Iraqis were killed and another 15 were wounded across the country. In Basra, two Arab nationals were killed during a bombing as well. Also, Sadrists are urging their leader Muqtada al-Sadr not to renew a cease-fire that ends next month.

Sunday: 3 US Soldiers, 14 Iraqis Killed; 12 Iraqis Wounded

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pre-Historical Back to the Future Whitewash

In the Washington Post today a pair of wingnut apologists in general and Bush apologist in particular, attempt to warn us that although Bush is a disaster now, things could change in the distant future.

Reaching for a Place in History

Sunday, January 27, 2008; Page B01

As President Bush prepares to deliver his last State of the Union address tomorrow night, a legion of pundits, politicians and, yes, historians is already assigning the 43rd president his final place in history. These commentators, and especially those who confidently assert that Bush is the "worst president in history," would do well to remember the British historian C.V. Wedgwood's observation: "History is written backward but lived forward. Those who know the end of the story can never know what it was like at the time." We all know -- or think we do -- what things are like in our union now, with an economy hitting a rough patch and a foreign war grinding on with no end in sight. But we don't know how the story will turn out.
Well, gentlemen, it's gonna take a whole lot 'a spinnin indeed to turn Bush and his turdblossum [El Rove] into a say, Abe Lincoln, or that guy who chopped down the Cherry tree. Who was he now? oh yea, another George. But anyway, it is comforting to ponder future generations coming to understand and look back in wonderment of George Walker Bush; and they'll have the above video to study, admire and hopefully decipher what it all means.

Sunday Iraq Report
Sunday: 2 US Soldiers, 9 Iraqis Killed; 8 Iraqis Wounded

At least nine Iraqis were killed and eight more were wounded during a light day of violence. Also, two American soldiers were killed. Meanwhile, Iraqi troops are on their way to Mosul for a major operation.

In northeastern Baghdad today, an IED killed a American soldier. Another U.S. soldier was killed during an IED bombing in Baghdad’s Kadhimiya district yesterday.

Updated at 6:20 p.m. EST, Jan. 27, 2008

At least 14 Iraqis were killed and 12 more were wounded during a light day of violence. Also, two American soldiers were killed. Meanwhile, Iraqi troops are on their way to Mosul for a major operation.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Broke the Cute-o-Meter

Friday, January 25, 2008

Friday Iraq Report

Today 55 Iraqi's died in their non-civil war surge protected state. We must give thanks to the God General Petraeus for saving Iraq and bringing peace and civility to it's sandy windswept landscape. In order to properly savor this victory, one must cheer the 250 Iraqi's who didn't die today, which would mean the surge is not working and Iraq is having a civil war. If you have doubts just ask The American Thinker for the comforting facts.

Friday: 55 Iraqis Killed, 4 Wounded

Updated at 6:20 p.m. EST, Jan. 25, 2008

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announced today a major offensive against al-Qaeda in Mosul, where a major bombing killed about three dozen people two days ago. Mosul is considered al-Qaeda’s last urban stronghold in Iraq. Elsewhere, at least 55 Iraqis were killed and another four were wounded in attacks and raids. Most of the dead were al-Qaeda suspects.

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Friday's Lesson in Wingnut Logic

Courtesy of Think Progress.

Mike Huckabee's analysis on Saddam's WMD that were not where they were supposed to be.
Everybody can look back and say, oh well we didn’t find the weapons. Doesn’t meet that they weren’t there. Just because you didn’t find every Easter egg didn’t mean it wasn’t planted.

I think it’s more likely that that weapons of mass destruction that we know that he at one time had, he used weapons against the Kurds, good chance they may have gone to Jordan. We don’t know where they are.

So children, Easter is right around the corner, so prepare to deploy to sunny Iraq for the Great WMD Easter Egg Hunt .

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Today's Lesson in Wingnut Logic

The following quote comes at the end of a commentary by Hot Air's Allahpundit

Update: I’m not so sure I agree with Robert Bidinotto about this. Not being a member of the nutroots I don’t believe BUSH LIED!, but it doesn’t follow that just because Saddam lied Bush didn’t. It could, theoretically, have been the case that BUSH KNEW! Saddam was lying and kept that secret.

See children, when Bush says something is true, but knows it isn't, by keeping it secret he's not really lying.

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Six Months To Nowhere

Bush and God General Petraus get briefed on Iraq by highly comedic staff.

Spy on America Act

Here we go with the protect the telecom's from lawless spying on America Bamboozlerama. Jay Rockefeller this morning nearly made me upchuck breakfast with his "poor little telecom couldn't say no to Bush" shtick . Yea right Jay, they couldn't afford lawyers to tell them they must go thru the courts in order to eavesdrop on American citizens. What a steaming pile of rancid shit. These are some of the wealthiest corporations on the planet, with a literal army of high cheek attorneys whose sole purpose is to know what laws apply and to keep {supposedly} the Verizon's and A T & T's of the world from breaking those laws.

Then there's Arlen "forked tongue" Spector going on about all the nasty letters he's sent to Cheney and Bush. He should be nominated for the world double talking bullshitter award. if there was one.

It's hard to grasp exactly how this is going to shake out. Either Harry Reid is playing a crafty game of rulesmanship or he's about to sell the farm to the peeping tom Bush administration and to all administrations to follow. Thom Jefferson has to be spinning in his grave about now, I suspect. Anyway, the whole thing is about money and influence. The few telecoms got the big buck's to pay for influence in their efforts to monopolize the entire spectrum of mass communication, and congress critters are all to eager to oblige in exchange for campaign contributions [payola]. Fuck 'em one and all if this passes giving a free pass to the lawbreakers.

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Here is an Update from TPM on what Reid is up to. I suggest this yesterday and was jumped by hate Harry dems who seem to have some kind of anxiety disorder. Anyway, here it is
"As I have said before, if there are Senators who don't like these amendments and think they should be subjected to 60-vote thresholds, these Senators are going to have to engage in an old-fashioned filibuster. These amendments are by and large germane, and I believe they should be adopted if a majority of the Senate supports them."

You can Reid's entire statement here.

When Reid said something similar yesterday, a number of people interpreted it as in reference to Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) who has said that he would filibuster any bill that contained retroactive immunity. Now it seems as if that remark was meant for everyone.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday Iraq Report

Wednesday: 48 Iraqis Killed, 113 Wounded

A pair of large explosions shook northern Iraq today leaving dozens of casualties. Overall, 48 Iraqis were killed and 113 were wounded across Iraq. No Coalition deaths were reported. Also, a study from the Iraqi Health Ministry warned that 35 percent of the population are suffering from severe mental health problems due to ongoing violence
Ok! How many bombs and bodies does it take to make a surge flaccid.? Every day we see 4 , 5, 8 bombings from the defeated insurgents. I guess since 300 civilians a day are not dying, a paltry 50 or 60 is peace and reconciliation in Iraq. All this and the big question for the media is why the black guy and the woman are not being nice to each other. What a country.

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Updated at 12:25 p.m EST, Jan. 24, 2008

A pair of large explosions shook northern Iraq today, leaving dozens of casualties. Overall, at least 61 Iraqis were killed and over 170 were wounded across Iraq. No Coalition deaths were reported. Also, a study from the Iraqi Health Ministry warned that 35 percent of the population are suffering from severe mental health problems due to ongoing violence.

Over 264 Wounded

Updated at 12:05 p.m. EST, Jan. 24, 2008

A pair of large explosions shook northern Iraq today, leaving dozens of casualties. Overall, at least 78 Iraqis were killed and over 264 were wounded across Iraq. No Coalition deaths were reported. Also, a study from the Iraqi Health Ministry warned that 35 percent of the population are suffering from severe mental health problems due to ongoing violence.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Cup-a-Kitty Please

Tuesday Iraq Report

January 22, 2008
Tuesday: 1 US Soldier, 31 Iraqis Killed; 41 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 7:10 p.m. EST, Jan. 22, 2008

The Iraqi Parliament voted to modify the country’s flag slightly. Three stars symbolizing the ousted Baath Party regime lead by Saddam Hussein will be removed. At least 31 Iraqis were killed and another 41 were wounded in violent attacks. One American soldier was killed and another was wounded during a rollover accidnet in Kirkuk today.

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Moday Iraq Report

Updated at 6:25 p.m. EST, Jan. 21, 2008

At least 37 Iraqis were killed and 28 more were wounded in the latest attacks. One of the wounded is a relative of Saddam Hussein who was injured during arrest in Tikrit. Also, two American servicemembers were killed in separate incidents.

A Marine was killed on Jan. 19 in Anbar province during combat operations. On the same day, an IED killed an MND-C soldier in Arab Jabour.

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Updated at 1:25 p.m. EST, Jan. 22, 2008

At least 40 Iraqis were killed and 42 more were wounded in the latest attacks. One of the wounded is a relative of Saddam Hussein who was injured during arrest in Tikrit. Also, four American servicemembers were killed in separate incident

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday Iraq Report

Updated at 10:45 p.m. EST, Jan. 20, 2008

At least 43 Iraqis were killed and 41 more were wounded in the latest attacks. No Coalition deaths were reported, but two Czech soldiers were wounded during a rocket attack in Basra.

Five people were killed and 20 wounded during an Ashuraa celebration in Balad yesterday.

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Saturday Iraq Report

January 19, 2008
Saturday: 29 Iraqis Killed, 65 Wounded

Updated at 6:25 p.m. EST, Jan. 19, 2008

The 10-day Ashuraa religious holiday ended today, but violence towards pilgrims continued until the very end. At least 29 Iraqis were killed and 65 others were wounded across Iraq, but none in Karbala, where the main observances were held. No Coalition deaths were reported. Also, Shi'ite leader Muqtada al-Sadr reportedly is reconsidering his Mahdi Militia activity freeze, which led to a drastic reduction in the number of deaths in Iraq over the last several months.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Different War, Different Faces, Indifferent America

Below is a rather lengthy but thorough article on the perennial problem of homeless vets. I have a little insight on this having been one myself a number of years ago. Although the problem became highlighted with returning Vietnam vets, it actually has been around at least since World War 1 Only the names and faces change but never this countries inadequate response.
Why does Johnny come marching homeless?

By ERIN McCLAM, AP National Writer 9 minutes ago

LEEDS, Mass. - Peter Mohan traces the path from the Iraqi battlefield to this lifeless conference room, where he sits in a kilt and a Camp Kill Yourself T-shirt and calmly describes how he became a sad cliche: a homeless veteran.

The articles author Erin McClam honestly asks the question.
This is not a new story in America: A young veteran back from war whose struggle to rejoin society has failed, at least for the moment, fighting demons and left homeless.

But it is happening to a new generation. As the war in Afghanistan plods on in its seventh year, and the war in Iraq in its fifth, a new cadre of homeless veterans is taking shape.

And with it come the questions: How is it that a nation that became so familiar with the archetypal homeless, combat-addled Vietnam veteran is now watching as more homeless veterans turn up from new wars?

Being unencumbered by the modern media's vacuous self-imposed "false equivalence" mandate, I will give you the short answer Erin. The how and why is the conservative ideology we've suffered under for the past 30 years. It's the right-wing mantra of "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" and usually applies to everyone but them and theirs. We have hundreds of billions of borrowed money to make war on a country that didn't attack us. We have endless tax cuts for the wealthy again paid for with borrowed money. And we have Republican pronouncements all day every day about how they respect and love the troops. But if you look close enough, you will find GOP obstruction at every turn for helping vets, to the needed degree, once they're no longer fighting wingnut wars.

I read today, we are at the end of the Reagan era of conservative governance. If this turns out to be true and the country gives progressives the power to make changes in veterans care, and generally help for the less fortunate, then, Erin, I think and hope we will do better as a country.

The Rest of the Article

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It's Saturday Fly On the Wall Night

Our Dear Leader in cajoles with Saudi Prince Salman Abdul Aziz. brother of King Abdulla.

Prince Salman- Georgy boy, why are you laughing so hard. We have heard you are not so popular with your subjects.

GWB-Yea, I know Salmmy, but they ain't a darn thing they can do 'bout it, Hee, hee. Besides, oil's got so high we all gettin' rich in the bidness.

Prince Salman--Now you make me laugh so hard too. What will become of us and our big profits when you are gone?

GWB--Well Salmmy, don't fret, I got me a plan on that.

Prince Salman- Please tell me your plan Georgy. I am so excited.

GWB--Well, don't tell, but I'm gonna bomb the shit right out of the mullahs in eye-ran while I'm headed out the door of the White House. I reckon that'll keep oil prices stuck to the ceiling for awhile. Heee Hee, Hee.

Prince Salman- That is so good Georgy, I can't wait to tell the King. We will be rich and death to the blasphemous Persian devils. By the way, how do you like the sword?

GWB-- Why, it's the best present I ever got Salmmy, Say, ya don't have any heads need loppin' off do ya? Hee, Hee. Just kiddin' Sallmy, sorta.

Prince Salman-- Georgy, what do you plan for Iraq in your last year?

GWB-- Well Salmmy, I plan on blamin' the whole mess on the Clinton's, when Hellary gets elected. Hee hee.

Prince Salman- Georgy, please hold my arm a little tighter like at the Chariot Races last year.


Our "states rights" wingnut's are at it again. Anything and everything for big oil should be their motto. When Senator Barbara Boxer requested documents from the EPA on why they denied California a waiver to institute it's tougher than the feds emission standards, the EPA invoked "Executive Privilege" while providing blank and redacted documents. This is the EPA mind you, that secret agency deep into national security. If it got out how they do their business the terrorists have won. But apparently, one man made this decision that effectively stopped 15 states other than California from fighting global warming and air pollution in general.
EPA Deletes Large Portions of Documents Turned Over in Calif. Greenhouse Gas Case

AP News

Jan 18, 2008 21:41 EST

Invoking executive privilege, the Environmental Protection Agency on Friday refused to provide lawmakers with a full explanation of why it rejected California's greenhouse gas regulations.

The documents provided Friday by the EPA omitted key details, including a presentation that Senate aides said predicted EPA would lose a lawsuit if it went to court for denying California's waiver.

The refusal to provide a full explanation is the latest twist in a congressional investigation into why the agency denied California permission to impose what would have been the country's toughest greenhouse gas standards on cars, trucks and sports utility vehicles.

Do we really need an investigation to know what happened here. After 7 years of fierce protection of big business by the Bushies and a big middle finger to laws they don't like, this is just business as usual by GOP gremlins. No circumvented law left behind, regardless of the benefit to the country as a whole, or, this case, the world.
"The documents are going to show the decision remained the responsibility of the administrator," Shradar said. "He stands by his decision."

Everything except the titles was omitted from 16 pages of a 43-page Power Point presentation, according to copy of the document e-mailed to The Associated Press.

"Everything but the title" was omitted, You got to hand it to them, their arrogance is world class.

Rest of Article

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Ahoy! There Matey

Friday's Iraq Report

An especially black and bloody day in Iraq. Shiite militia's doing the killing this time.

At least 82 Iraqis were killed and 69 more were wounded in the latest attacks. The worst violence took place in Nassiriya and Basra, where a Shi’ite sect staged attacks just ahead of the culmination of Ashuraa observances. Meanwhile, Turkey claimed to have destroyed 60 Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) targets in northern Iraq.

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January 18, 2008
Friday: 1 US Soldier, 94 Iraqis Killed, 103 Wounded

Updated at 6:01 p.m. EST, Jan. 19, 2008

At least 94 Iraqis were killed and 103 more were wounded in the latest attacks. The worst violence took place in Nassiriya and Basra, where a Shi’ite sect staged attacks just ahead of the culmination of Ashuraa observances. Meanwhile, Turkey claimed to have destroyed 60 Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) targets in northern Iraq. Also, one American soldier was killed during an IED attack yesterday in Baghdad.


Friday: 1 US Soldier, 128 Iraqis Killed; 103 Iraqis Wounded

Thursday Iraq Report

Updated at 10:40 p.m. EST, Jan. 17, 2008

With just a couple of days to go before the culmination of the Ashuraa observances on Saturday, the holy city of Karbala is already packed with Shi’ite pilgrims, and even more are expected to arrive. Increased Iraqi troops were ordered to the area for security purposes, while curfews are in effect elsewhere. Unsurprisingly though, attacks against Shi’ite Muslims have increased this week, particularly in Diyala province. Overall, 41 Iraqis were killed and 40 were wounded in the latest attacks.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

The real Jonah Goldberg --Conservative Commie

MR. DIMPLES- ConCom Superhero

But They're OUR Thugs!

One of the saddest and most frustrating things about the disaster of Iraq is that even the tiniest bit of good news often turns out to be even more bad news. Take the so-called "Sunni Awakening" in Al anbar province and Sunni neighborhoods in Baghdad and other cities. Until recently, these local gunmen were mostly insurgents often allied with Al Quaida and were killing American's on daily basis. When they realized AQ was way too bloody for them, they began hunting the Jihadi's along side of American troops and became a sort of police force in their respective neighborhoods. Well to no surprise of we anti-Iraq war traitor's, the new sheriff's in town are turning out to be as bad as the bad guys [AQ} they replaced. And so it goes. Some excerpts from a relevant article.
IRAQ: Awoken to a New Danger
By Ali al-Fadhily and Dahr Jamail*

BAGHDAD, Jan 14 (IPS) - The newly formed 'Awakening' forces set up by the U.S. military are bringing new conflict among people.

For months now the U.S. military has been actively building what it calls 'Awakening' forces and "concerned local citizens" in an effort to reduce attacks on occupation forces.

Members of the forces, which comprise primarily former resistance fighters and tribal groups, are paid 300 dollars monthly. There are at present about 80,000 recruits to these groups. The U.S. military plans to cap the number at 85,000.

The forces, which are opposed by the Iraqi government led by U.S.-appointed Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, are also being strongly criticised by Sunni residents in Baghdad and other cities.

"The armed groups called 'Awakening' are now the only powerful players in many Sunni areas in Baghdad, and so they show their power the way others did," Qussay al-Tai'i, a lawyer from Saydiya town southwest of Baghdad told IPS. "It seems that violence has become routine procedure for American soldiers, Iraqi security men and now the so-called Awakening fighters.

One man's vigilante, another mans oppressor.
Witnesses from the area who have recently fled to Baghdad told IPS that more than 200 residents have been arrested by Awakening fighters supported by the al-Muthanna battalion of the Iraqi army.

"They came and arrested my 14 and 17-year-old sons," said Hajja Um Ahmed. "I told them my sons are only schoolboys who did nothing wrong, but they pushed me away."

Saydiya residents are worried that some of the detainees will be executed as others were in Fallujah and other areas where 'Awakening' fighters have taken over.

"They will kill them in cold blood and throw their bodies in garbage dumps," the terrified father of a 35-year-old detainee, speaking on condition of anonymity, told IPS. "They told my son when they took him that they would cut off his head, and it seems that they meant it."

This is the sort of thing people like Wesley Clark and Joseph Hoar explicitly predicted in a senate hearing before the tragic invasion of Iraq by the US. The religious, tribal, and ethnic complexity of Mesopotamia is beyond anything a foreign occupying military can reckon with. Even if the occupying military has good intentions. This will only be settled by Iraqi's themselves when they are left alone to do so. Not before.

The rest of the article

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Mickey and Friends

Wednesday Iraq Report

Updated at 6:55 p.m EST, Jan. 16, 2008

Security in Iraq is heightened for the Ashuraa observances now underway, but numerous bombings have nevertheless left at least 24 Iraqis dead and another 58 wounded. Three U.S. soldiers were killed and another two were wounded during a small arms attck today in Salah ad Din province as well. Also the U.N. suggested that Germany become more involved in security operations in Iraq now that the security situation is safer.

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Updated at 12:50 a.m EST, Jan. 17, 2008

Security in Iraq is heightened for the Ashuraa observances now underway, but numerous bombings have nevertheless left at least 32 Iraqis dead and another 72 wounded. Three U.S. soldiers were killed and another two were wounded during a small arms attck today in Salah ad Din province as well. Also the U.N. suggested that Germany become more involved in security operations in Iraq now that the security situation is safer.

Mike Huckabee: Fried Squirrel Out of a Popcorn Popper

Reverend Huckabee and Mountain Popcorn



Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Tuesday Iraq Report

Updated at 11:45 p.m. EST, Jan. 15, 2008

At least 15 Iraqis were killed and 38 were wounded in mostly small bombings. No Coalition deaths were reported. Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made a surprise visit to Iraq and praised reconciliation efforts there. Also, Turkish jets resumed attacks on targets in northern Iraq.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

"An Ungrateful Volcano"

Below is a letter written by Winston Churchill in 1922, after the First World War when Great Britain occupied the former Ottoman Empire region of Mesopotamia {Iraq}. It was Churchill who is credited with setting the boundaries that is Iraq today. Of Course, Churchill is an absolute icon in Neo-conservative circles, so I thought it might be illuminating to get Winston's take on the Iraq he created.

Winston S. Churchill to David Lloyd George
(Churchill papers: 17/27)

1 September 1922
I am deeply concerned about Iraq. The task you have given me is becoming
really impossible. Our forces are reduced now to very slender proportions.
The Turkish menace has got worse; Feisal is playing the fool, if not the
knave; his incompetent Arab officials are disturbing some of the provinces
and failing to collect the revenue; we overpaid £200,000 on last year's account
which it is almost certain Iraq will not be able to pay this year, thus entailing
a Supplementary Estimate in regard to a matter never sanctioned by
Parliament; a further deficit, in spite of large economies, is nearly certain
this year on the civil expenses owing to the drop in the revenue. I have had to
maintain British troops at Mosul all through the year in consequence of the
Angora quarrel: this has upset the programme of reliefs and will certainly
lead to further expenditure beyond the provision I cannot at this moment
withdraw these troops without practically inviting the Turks to come in. The
small column which is operating in the Rania district inside our border
against the Turkish raiders and Kurdish sympathisers is a source of constant
anxiety to me.
I do not see what political strength there is to face a disaster of any kind, and
certainly I cannot believe that in any circumstances any large reinforcements
would be sent from here or from India. There is scarcely a single newspaper -
Tory, Liberal or Labour - which is not consistently hostile to our remaining in
this country. The enormous reductions which have been effected have
brought no goodwill, and any alternative Government that might be formed
here - Labour, Die-hard or Wee Free - would gain popularity by ordering
instant evacuation. Moreover in my own heart I do not see what we are
getting out of it. Owing to the difficulties with America, no progress has been
made in developing the oil. Altogether I am getting to the end of my
I think we should now put definitely, not only to Feisal but to the Constituent
Assembly, the position that unless they beg us to stay and to stay on our own
terms in regard to efficient control, we shall actually evacuate before the
close of the financial year. I would put this issue in the most brutal way, and
if they are not prepared to urge us to stay and to co-operate in every manner
I would actually clear out. That at any rate would be a solution. Whether we
should clear out of the country altogether or hold on to a portion of the Basra
vilayet is a minor issue requiring a special study.
It is quite possible, however, that face to face with this ultimatum the King,
and still more the Constituent Assembly, will implore us to remain. If they
do, shall we not be obliged to remain? If we remain, shall we not be
answerable for defending their frontier? How are we to do this if the Turk
comes in? We have no force whatever that can resist any serious inroad. The
War Office, of course, have played for safety throughout and are ready to say
'I told you so' at the first misfortune.
Surveying all the above, I think I must ask you for definite guidance at this
stage as to what you wish and what you are prepared to do. The victories of
the Turks will increase our difficulties throughout the Mohammedan world.
At present we are paying eight millions a year for the privilege of living on an
ungrateful volcano out of which we are in no circumstances to get anything
worth having.

From Martin Gilbert, WINSTON S. CHURCHILL IV, Companion Volume
Part 3, London: Heinemann, 1977, pp. 1973-74. Reprinted by kind permission
of Winston S. Churchill.

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Eddie Hazel- Maggot Brain

Monday Iraq Report

This Monday is off to a bloody start in Iraq.

January 14, 2008
Monday: 48 Iraqis Killed, 9 Wounded

At least 48 Iraqis were killed or found dead and another seven were wounded in the latest violence. Most of the deaths reported today were suspected gunmen in the Diyala province, but even the now-quiet Anbar province saw multiple attacks. No Coalition troops were reported killed.

In Baghdad, gunmen killed a judge and his driver as they traveled through Mansour on their way to his work. Two Iraqi soldiers were killed in Zaafaraniya. Also, police commandos announced that on Jan. 2 they had liberated a wounded kidnap victim near Sadr City; the kidnappers were arrested.

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Updated at 5:55 p.m EST, Jan. 14, 2008

At least 55 Iraqis were killed or found dead and another 11 were wounded in the latest violence. Most of the deaths reported today were suspected gunmen in the Diyala province, but even the now-quiet Anbar province saw multiple attacks. No Coalition troops were reported kille

Updated at 11:50 p.m EST, Jan. 14, 2008

At least 56 Iraqis were killed or found dead and another 11 were wounded in the latest violence. Most of the deaths reported today were suspected gunmen in the Diyala province, but even the now-quiet Anbar province saw multiple attacks. No Coalition troops were reported killed. Also, the Iraqi defense minister suggested that U.S. troops may be needed in Iraq until 2018 or even later.

Those Republicans and Their Funny Ideas on Torture

Romney: It's not torture unless you admit it
Nick Langewis and David Edwards

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CNN's Wolf Blitzer assails GOP presidential candidate and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney over his lack of a definite opinion on whether the widely debated interrogation method known as "waterboarding" is torture.

Even as competitor and Arizona senator John McCain, along with United States Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell, define "waterboarding" as torture, Romney remains strategically undecided.
If the issue of torture wasn't so important, it would be funny to watch the numerous twisting twining contortions by republicans as to whether Bush's so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" are actually torture. From that basic question, flows a number of asinine hypothetical questions. Such as, if these techniques, especially waterboarding, are really torture is it still torture when we do it to foreigners. Also, if we render a suspect "with a wink and nod" to a foreign country known to routinely torture suspects, are we culpable for suborning torture. And finally, the tragically hilarious from the "Mittster". As the the article quote above says, the Mittster is staying wisely, or cowardly undecided --But consider this quote:
"I just don't think it's productive for a president of the United States to lay out a list of what is specifically referred to as 'torture,'" he responds.

Citing "ticking time bomb" scenarios, Romney disagrees with the notion of admitting that a particular practice could violate the Geneva Convention, thereby preventing its utilization by the United States in the event of an urgent need to extract information to, for example, prevent a nuclear attack

Aw yes, the old ticking time bomb argument. How many times has this happened in the history of the world Mitt? If you said none, then you are correct and win the dumbass of the day prize. But where you excel in wingnuttery, is the "hear no evil, see no evil" concept to state sponsored torture. It's no wonder your praise for King George-- you sound just like him too often.
Says Romney, "We have found it wise in the past not to describe precisely the techniques of interrogation that are used here in this country--also, so that people who are captured don't know what might be used against them."

Uh, yes, but that was before the Bush administration repealed the Geneva Conventions by fiat, due to his omnipotent powers as the "Unitary Executive" of the former constitutional democracy we know as AMERICA.
The President, Romney concludes, is responsible for orders handed down to an interrogator, but also has the right to determine what is an appropriate interrogation technique to order an agent to perform.

Ok! now this is getting un-funny Mitt. It sounds like what your saying is the president had the power to order unlawful torture but the ordered interrogator is responsible if the crimes come to light. You are a useless vacuum of nothingness, Mitt. Not mention a spineless worm.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday Iraq Report

Sunday: 1 US Soldier, 13 Iraqis Killed; 26 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 5:25 p.m EST, Jan. 13, 2008

At least 13 Iraqis were killed or found dead and another 26 were injured in various incidents. In Diyala, deliberately contaminated water sickened over a dozen people. In Baghdad, security forces will impose a motorcycle ban to prevent attacks during Ashuraa. Also, one American soldier was killed and four more were wounded during an IED attack in Ninewah province yesterday.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

A Closer Look and That New De-bathification Law

It would be more accurate, I suppose, to say Re-bathification. Anyway, the wingnuts are chortling about the new law passed today that will supposedly allow for more re-conciliation between Sunni's And Shia' . While it looks good at a distance, when you get up close, not so good.

Baghdad - Voices of Iraq

Saturday , 12 /01 /2008 Time 8:44:10

Baghdad, Jan 12, (VOI) – The Iraqi parliament approved on Saturday the accountability & justice draft law by overwhelming majority amidst rejection by four blocs.

"The draft law was approved with the new amendments introduced to it by overwhelming majority of members of parliament," Rashid al-Azzawi, a legislator from the Sunni Iraqi Accordance Front (IAF), told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) after Saturday's session.
Azzawi did not mention the number of deputies who voted in favor of the law, noting 140 MPs attended the session.
The Iraqi National List (INL), the National Dialogue Front (NDF), the Independent Arab Bloc, the National Dialogue Council and IAF independent members expressed rejection against the law and refused to vote over it, terming it as "hard to apply."
The INL, headed by former Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, has 22 out of a total 275 seats in the Iraqi parliament, the Sunni NDF, led by Saleh al-Motlak, has 11 seats while the Independent Arab Bloc has only three seats.
Mustafa al-Hiti of the NDF, during a press conference held by representatives of the opposing blocs, said law was void of the human aspect for it provides for "denying any rights to whoever proved involved in crimes against the Iraqi people or accumulation of wealth at the expense of public funds."
"The law is unrealistic and inapplicable. It contains a paragraph denying the return of the Baath Party (outlawed since 2003), whether in ideology, policy or practice, to authority or public activities under any name," Hiti said.
He pointed out that the law contained loose phrases that could have more than one explanation and might be misused.
The draft is an alternative for the debaathification law, enacted by former U.S. civil administrator Paul Bremer, who ruled Iraq after the fall of the former regime in April 2003.
Since it was first announced by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in June 2007, the draft has been facing fierce opposition and several reservations, mostly by the Sadrists, who occupy 30 out of a total 275 seats in parliament.
Once the law is passed, about 30,000 Baathists, or members of the former ruling Baath Party, would be allowed to return to their original jobs and receive their retirement rights.

This report speaks for itself. The hard truth is, after gaining power, the Shia will never return it to Sunni's, who brutally persecuted them for 30 year under Saddam. Why would they as a matter of basic common sense and why is this so hard to understand for wingnut war supporters.

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Other Voices of Surge Success

The right wing blogosphere is spinning itself into an orgasmic tizzy over the wonderful and brilliant "surge" of US troops in Iraq. We hear the cacophony of wingnuts shouting "shame on you" collectively at war opponents and specifically at liberals for their treasonous lack of faith in the great Bush and even greater General Petraeus. Indeed, the headlines from Iraq show a marked decrease in casualties for Iraqi's and American GI's.

What pro war folks gloss over is the fact that the violence has simply returned to the level before sectarian warfare became so extreme in 2006 and early 2007. They also gloss over the 4 million Iraq's who have left their homes for another country or a safer place inside Iraq-- not to mention the segregated "ethnic and sectarian cleansing" in Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq.. The city of Baghdad is a walled off maze of Sunni and Shiite civilians huddled together in self-protective enclaves. Here is an article from the Inter-Press Service written from the perspective of residents of the Middle East.
IRAQ: Less Violent But Not Less Hellish
By Ali al-Fadhily and Dahr Jamail*

FALLUJAH, Jan 11 (IPS) - U.S. and Iraqi officials claim that security is improving across al-Anbar province and much of Iraq. Security during the last half of 2007 was indeed better than in the period between February 2006 and mid-2007. But this has brought little solace to many Iraqis, because violence is still worse than in 2005 and early 2006

Violence levels are down, but attacks have not ceased. "Nine U.S. soldiers were killed in 24 hours, U.S. B-1 and F-16 bombers dropped over 40,000 pounds of special munitions on the Arab Juboor villages just south of Baghdad, and Awakening (militia paid for by the U.S.) leaders and senior police officers are being assassinated all over Iraq, yet U.S. army leaders and top officials say Iraq is safe and sound," lawyer and human rights activist Mahmood al-Dulaimy told IPS.

Dulaimy said U.S. President George W. Bush has succeeded in convincing many people in the United States that everything in Iraq is all right. "It is you media people who fool the world by transmitting false news about the situation in Iraq," Dulaimy said. "Look around you and tell me what is good here."

If you believe like I do, that the Iraq invasion was a big con by Bush and his neocon cohorts to run a kind of mad experiment to spread democracy in the Middle East, then Mr. Dulaimy viewpoint is no surprise. The only thing that has really changed is shifting politics in an area that has been in violent turmoil for the past 1400 years since the Shia split from the original base of Islam. The only periods of relative peace has been from iron fisted dictators like Saddam. No foreign power has ever been able to govern with cohesion the peoples of Mesopotamia. I would guess that even the most starry eyed wingnut idealist for American hegemony has had this cold truth penetrate their thick skulls. This is where it comes full circle within our own democracy. The American people have figured out what a huge error was made and want it corrected. By all indications they are set to do that come next November. The ugliness we see are from the neocons and Bush's 30% supporters that must keep the illusion of victory in Iraq alive for their own political survival.
******************************************************Some more of the article
"Is it good that we still cannot go to Baghdad to sell our crops and buy seeds and other necessary things for our farms," said young Jassim from Fallujah. "Is it good that we only plant ten percent of our land because there is not enough electricity and fuel to run our pumps?"

Many people in Fallujah say they simply want the U.S. forces to leave. "If the U.S. generals mean they will hand over security to Iraqis and leave the province, then I will salute them all," retired Iraqi army colonel Salman Ahmed told IPS in Fallujah. "But I know it is just another comedy like that played elsewhere in Iraq, where Iraqis (officials) are just ropes for American dirty laundry. We want our country back for real, not just on paper.

"We want our country back for real, not just on paper". Indeed, Mr. Ahmed, we here in America can only imagine the horrors the Iraqi people have been through. First, from a brutal dictator, then from American idiots sated with delusions of grandeur and utter incompetence. We here in America, want our country back also, Mr Ahmed.

full article

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Saturday Iraq Report

Updated at 5:10 p.m. EST, Jan. 12, 2008

U.S. forces announced the removal of troops in Anbar province with the hope that the province will be completely in Iraqi hands by March. The news coincided with a light day of violence in which at least 30 Iraqis were killed and another nine were wounded. Also, a Marine was killed in a non-combat event in Anbar yesterday.

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Friday Iraq Report

Updated at 6:25 p.m. EST, Jan. 11. 2008

For the first time in living memory, snow fell in Baghdad this morning. The unusual precipitation was a welcome break and taken by many residents as an omen of peace this prayer day. Unfortunately, 29 Iraqis were still killed and another 11 were wounded in light attacks. No Coalition deaths were reported.

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Updated at 1:15 a.m. EST, Jan. 12, 2008

For the first time in living memory, snow fell in Baghdad this morning. The unusual precipitation was a welcome break and taken by many residents as an omen of peace this prayer day. Unfortunately, 31 Iraqis were still killed and another 11 were wounded in light attacks. No Coalition deaths were reported.

In Baghdad, four people were killed and eight were wounded during a bombing outside a bakery in in al-Ghadeer. U.S. forces raided the Hurriya neighborhood but no casualties were reported. Also, three dumped bodies were recovered.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The Be Good Tanyas - The Littlest Birds

Friday Iraq Report

Updated at 6:25 p.m. EST, Jan. 11. 2008

For the first time in living memory, snow fell in Baghdad this morning. The unusual precipitation was a welcome break and taken by many residents as an omen of peace this prayer day. Unfortunately, 29 Iraqis were still killed and another 11 were wounded in light attacks. No Coalition deaths were reported.

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Too Cute To Care

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thursday Iraq Report

January 10, 2008
Thursday: 25 Iraqis Killed, 24 Wounded

Updated at 11:10 p.m EST, Jan. 10, 2008

At least 25 Iraqis were killed and 24 more were wounded in the latest round of violence. Most of them were gunmen or security personnel. Meanwhile, the International Organization for Migration reported that only a trickle of Iraqi refugees has returned home. Also, millions of Iraqis are observing the Ashura holy day.

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US general says 'spectacular' Qaeda attacks rise in Iraq

Wed Jan 9, 2:18 PM ET

BAGHDAD (AFP) - A US commander on Wednesday said the number of "spectacular" assaults by Al-Qaeda in Iraq has increased although the overall number of attacks was down and 20 key militants have been killed or caught.

Major General Mark Hertling, commanding general of coalition forces in northern Iraq, gave no specific examples of what he termed "spectacular" attacks, referring only to big car bombs and to suicide attacks.

"These spectacular events and intimidation are designed to incite fear in the population," Hertling told a news conference in Baghdad.

But then you already knew that.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tragic Day In Iraq

9 US soldiers killed in Iraq in 2 days

2 hours, 48 minutes ago

BAGHDAD - Nine American soldiers were killed in the first two days of a new American drive to kill al-Qaida in Iraq fighters holed up in districts north of the capital, the U.S. military said Wednesday.

Six soldiers were killed and four were wounded Wednesday in a booby-trapped house in Diyala province, where joint U.S.-Iraqi forces were driving through a difficult web of lush palm and citrus groves, farmland and fertile river bottoms.

The military also announced that three U.S. soldiers were killed and two were wounded Tuesday in an attack in Salahuddin province. The operation began Tuesda

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A Big Bowl of Unity Mush

The gang of alleged centrists that gathered in Oklahoma recently to whine about all the partisanship in American politics was a case study in the "false equivalency " the press and others have adopted in recent decades. No problem exists in the current state of political hostility between the parties that blame isn't equally shared be each of our major parties. Yadda, yadda, ya....

You can tune to any network or cable news or political show and here it all day every day. Bullshit. Just total bullshit. First of all, you can't characterize one party [democrats} for being weak and not standing up to Republicans and Bush and in the next breath claim that the both parties are involved equally in being stubborn and uncooperative. We saw this with democrat's bending over backward to give Bush whatever he wanted after 9-11, from massive tax cuts for the the rich to the misbegotten nightmare of the Iraq invasion and occupation. Not to mention a raft of other bad legislation.

This issue goes back to what I call the empowerment of the "Texas GOP Mafia" during the presidential campaign of 1988, when we were first treated to the nasty campaigning of Lee Atwater with the Bush SR. campaign. The Willie Horton add of race baiting was but one example of the politics of personal destruction practiced with zeal by GOP Texans. Then after republicans won the House of Representatives back in 1994, the era of Tom Delay and Dick Armey took hold and the brutal tactics of scorched earth politics expanded as a handtool of southern ideologues such as Newt Gingrich et al....... The hunting of President Clinton, marked for removal from office by a determined GOP, was a shining example of the new Washington power play owned and operated by ultra-conservative southerners who ran congress like so many mob bosses. Anyone in the GOP and out did things the "Hammer" {Tom Delay} way or they were politically whacked.

So please Senator's Boren and Nunn, spare us your mushy middle politics and lay blame where it's most due. Squarely on the collapsing shoulders of the Grand Old Party. When you start at the beginning, only then can you reach a better end. The political winds blowing across the country are changing and it appears the people are way ahead of you on this and will vote accordingly come next November. Anyhow, we shall see!

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Wednesday Iraq Report

January 9, 2008
Wednesday: 3 US Soldiers, 20 Iraqis Killed; 3 Iraqis Wounded

Three American soldiers were killed on an otherwise extremely quiet newsday. Twenty Iraqi gunmen were killed in an operation near Muqdadiya while three civilians were wounded in Kirkuk.

Three American soldiers were killed and two more were wounded during combat operations in Salah ad Din province yesterday.

Three people were wounded when a pair of roadside bombs exploded at two churches in Kirkuk. Just three days ago three churches and a convent were targeted by bombs in Mosul.

U.S. forces killed 20 suspects and arrested 10 during major operations near Muqdadiya.

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Updated at 6:30 p.m. EST, Jan. 9, 2008

Nine American soldiers were reported killed on an otherwise extremely quiet newsday. At least 25 Iraqis were killed, mostly gunmen, and 10 Iraqis were wounded in separate events. Also, the World Health Organization released their report on the number of civilian casualties since the invastion. They say that between 104,000 to 223,000 people have died in violent attacks