Monday, January 14, 2008

"An Ungrateful Volcano"

Below is a letter written by Winston Churchill in 1922, after the First World War when Great Britain occupied the former Ottoman Empire region of Mesopotamia {Iraq}. It was Churchill who is credited with setting the boundaries that is Iraq today. Of Course, Churchill is an absolute icon in Neo-conservative circles, so I thought it might be illuminating to get Winston's take on the Iraq he created.

Winston S. Churchill to David Lloyd George
(Churchill papers: 17/27)

1 September 1922
I am deeply concerned about Iraq. The task you have given me is becoming
really impossible. Our forces are reduced now to very slender proportions.
The Turkish menace has got worse; Feisal is playing the fool, if not the
knave; his incompetent Arab officials are disturbing some of the provinces
and failing to collect the revenue; we overpaid £200,000 on last year's account
which it is almost certain Iraq will not be able to pay this year, thus entailing
a Supplementary Estimate in regard to a matter never sanctioned by
Parliament; a further deficit, in spite of large economies, is nearly certain
this year on the civil expenses owing to the drop in the revenue. I have had to
maintain British troops at Mosul all through the year in consequence of the
Angora quarrel: this has upset the programme of reliefs and will certainly
lead to further expenditure beyond the provision I cannot at this moment
withdraw these troops without practically inviting the Turks to come in. The
small column which is operating in the Rania district inside our border
against the Turkish raiders and Kurdish sympathisers is a source of constant
anxiety to me.
I do not see what political strength there is to face a disaster of any kind, and
certainly I cannot believe that in any circumstances any large reinforcements
would be sent from here or from India. There is scarcely a single newspaper -
Tory, Liberal or Labour - which is not consistently hostile to our remaining in
this country. The enormous reductions which have been effected have
brought no goodwill, and any alternative Government that might be formed
here - Labour, Die-hard or Wee Free - would gain popularity by ordering
instant evacuation. Moreover in my own heart I do not see what we are
getting out of it. Owing to the difficulties with America, no progress has been
made in developing the oil. Altogether I am getting to the end of my
I think we should now put definitely, not only to Feisal but to the Constituent
Assembly, the position that unless they beg us to stay and to stay on our own
terms in regard to efficient control, we shall actually evacuate before the
close of the financial year. I would put this issue in the most brutal way, and
if they are not prepared to urge us to stay and to co-operate in every manner
I would actually clear out. That at any rate would be a solution. Whether we
should clear out of the country altogether or hold on to a portion of the Basra
vilayet is a minor issue requiring a special study.
It is quite possible, however, that face to face with this ultimatum the King,
and still more the Constituent Assembly, will implore us to remain. If they
do, shall we not be obliged to remain? If we remain, shall we not be
answerable for defending their frontier? How are we to do this if the Turk
comes in? We have no force whatever that can resist any serious inroad. The
War Office, of course, have played for safety throughout and are ready to say
'I told you so' at the first misfortune.
Surveying all the above, I think I must ask you for definite guidance at this
stage as to what you wish and what you are prepared to do. The victories of
the Turks will increase our difficulties throughout the Mohammedan world.
At present we are paying eight millions a year for the privilege of living on an
ungrateful volcano out of which we are in no circumstances to get anything
worth having.

From Martin Gilbert, WINSTON S. CHURCHILL IV, Companion Volume
Part 3, London: Heinemann, 1977, pp. 1973-74. Reprinted by kind permission
of Winston S. Churchill.

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Eddie Hazel- Maggot Brain

Monday Iraq Report

This Monday is off to a bloody start in Iraq.

January 14, 2008
Monday: 48 Iraqis Killed, 9 Wounded

At least 48 Iraqis were killed or found dead and another seven were wounded in the latest violence. Most of the deaths reported today were suspected gunmen in the Diyala province, but even the now-quiet Anbar province saw multiple attacks. No Coalition troops were reported killed.

In Baghdad, gunmen killed a judge and his driver as they traveled through Mansour on their way to his work. Two Iraqi soldiers were killed in Zaafaraniya. Also, police commandos announced that on Jan. 2 they had liberated a wounded kidnap victim near Sadr City; the kidnappers were arrested.

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Updated at 5:55 p.m EST, Jan. 14, 2008

At least 55 Iraqis were killed or found dead and another 11 were wounded in the latest violence. Most of the deaths reported today were suspected gunmen in the Diyala province, but even the now-quiet Anbar province saw multiple attacks. No Coalition troops were reported kille

Updated at 11:50 p.m EST, Jan. 14, 2008

At least 56 Iraqis were killed or found dead and another 11 were wounded in the latest violence. Most of the deaths reported today were suspected gunmen in the Diyala province, but even the now-quiet Anbar province saw multiple attacks. No Coalition troops were reported killed. Also, the Iraqi defense minister suggested that U.S. troops may be needed in Iraq until 2018 or even later.

Those Republicans and Their Funny Ideas on Torture

Romney: It's not torture unless you admit it
Nick Langewis and David Edwards

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CNN's Wolf Blitzer assails GOP presidential candidate and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney over his lack of a definite opinion on whether the widely debated interrogation method known as "waterboarding" is torture.

Even as competitor and Arizona senator John McCain, along with United States Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell, define "waterboarding" as torture, Romney remains strategically undecided.
If the issue of torture wasn't so important, it would be funny to watch the numerous twisting twining contortions by republicans as to whether Bush's so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" are actually torture. From that basic question, flows a number of asinine hypothetical questions. Such as, if these techniques, especially waterboarding, are really torture is it still torture when we do it to foreigners. Also, if we render a suspect "with a wink and nod" to a foreign country known to routinely torture suspects, are we culpable for suborning torture. And finally, the tragically hilarious from the "Mittster". As the the article quote above says, the Mittster is staying wisely, or cowardly undecided --But consider this quote:
"I just don't think it's productive for a president of the United States to lay out a list of what is specifically referred to as 'torture,'" he responds.

Citing "ticking time bomb" scenarios, Romney disagrees with the notion of admitting that a particular practice could violate the Geneva Convention, thereby preventing its utilization by the United States in the event of an urgent need to extract information to, for example, prevent a nuclear attack

Aw yes, the old ticking time bomb argument. How many times has this happened in the history of the world Mitt? If you said none, then you are correct and win the dumbass of the day prize. But where you excel in wingnuttery, is the "hear no evil, see no evil" concept to state sponsored torture. It's no wonder your praise for King George-- you sound just like him too often.
Says Romney, "We have found it wise in the past not to describe precisely the techniques of interrogation that are used here in this country--also, so that people who are captured don't know what might be used against them."

Uh, yes, but that was before the Bush administration repealed the Geneva Conventions by fiat, due to his omnipotent powers as the "Unitary Executive" of the former constitutional democracy we know as AMERICA.
The President, Romney concludes, is responsible for orders handed down to an interrogator, but also has the right to determine what is an appropriate interrogation technique to order an agent to perform.

Ok! now this is getting un-funny Mitt. It sounds like what your saying is the president had the power to order unlawful torture but the ordered interrogator is responsible if the crimes come to light. You are a useless vacuum of nothingness, Mitt. Not mention a spineless worm.

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