Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Hike In the Gila Forest


  1. Awesome...I want to buy a copy for my office.

  2. Thanks, I have a selling web site that is set up for Hummers, but I could add this to it. An 8.5 by 11 print is 14 bucks that includes postage. I will put a link on the sidebar to it. Been meaning to anyways. But you have to have a paypal account. If you don't have one, we could work it out by direct mailings.

  3. Sorry, I forgot I upped the price on my hummer heaven website. They are 16 that includes everything.

  4. I couldn't find the website. I will send an email, and you can tell me where to send a check and for how much. My address will be on the check :)

  5. I sent you an email from the comments that show up in my email when there is a comment, or something. This techno stuff baffles me, and having two Blogger Blogs everything gets mixed up and whacky, like having my handle turn out as Hummingbird Heaven while commenting on this blog. Scratches head. So anyways, you have my mailing address whenever you are ready :-)
