Bush asserts authority to bypass defense act
Calls restrictions unconstitutional
President Bush said Congress's prohibition on building permanent military bases in Iraq infringes on his executive powers. WASHINGTON - President Bush this week declared that he has the power to bypass four laws, including a prohibition against using federal funds to establish permanent US military bases in Iraq, that Congress passed as part of a new defense bill.
What an arrogant ass we have for a President. So for you pea brain Republicans who voted this narcissistic brat in for two terms as President, if Hllary or Barrack decides they want to militarize the planet what are you going to say. No doubt you'll cry foul as your heads explode. But remember, it's your fault. We tried to warn you, but your allegiance to the "conservative cause" has brought us here, to a President who believes he is King and his serfdom includes the Congress and the Courts.
It's not the first time Bush has exceeded his authority, but this is one of the most egregious. A President who can permanently assign the US Military to occupy any country he wants in spite of US law and Constitution. OK! Ms Pelosi can we impeach the seditious SOB now!
And permanent bases in Iraq is not the only law he doesn't like in the Defense Bill.
**********************************************8The signing statement also targeted a provision in the defense bill that strengthens protections for whistle-blowers working for companies that hold government contracts. The new law expands employees' ability to disclose wrongdoing without being fired, and it gives greater responsibility to federal inspectors general to investigate complaints of retaliation.
In addition, Bush targeted a section that requires intelligence agencies to turn over "any existing intelligence assessment, report, estimate or legal opinion" requested by the leaders of the House and Senate armed services committees within 45 days. If the president wants to assert executive privilege to deny the request, the law says, White House counsel must do so in writing.
Finally, Bush's signing statement raised constitutional questions about a section of the bill that established an independent, bipartisan "Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan" to investigate allegations of waste, mismanagement, and excessive force by contractors.
The law requires the Pentagon to provide information to the panel "expeditiously" upon its request.
Hurry up January, 2009!!!!!!!1
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
George W. Bush - A Law Unto Himself
Good Luck John Edwards

Edwards quitting presidential race — (CNN) — Former Sen. John Edwards is dropping out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, CNN has learned. — Edwards has told top advisers about his decision. It is expected he will announce it at a speech in New Orleans, Louisiana, at 1 p.m. Wednesday.
John was my guy and the only candidate I trust to scale back the excessive power big corporations have gained the last 30 years, especially the last 8. I have no problem voting for either Hillary or Barack, but then I'd vote for uncle Elmer's yellow dog before I'd vote for a Republican--at least for the foreseeable future. Anyways John, adios and good luck and may you and Elizabeth be healthy, because your already wealthy and wise.
John was my guy and the only candidate I trust to scale back the excessive power big corporations have gained the last 30 years, especially the last 8. I have no problem voting for either Hillary or Barack, but then I'd vote for uncle Elmer's yellow dog before I'd vote for a Republican--at least for the foreseeable future. Anyways John, adios and good luck and may you and Elizabeth be healthy, because your already wealthy and wise.
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