The wingnuts owe us a lot of things, first among them, is an apology for having fucked up our country so badly. But my sense is they have become untethered from the realities of maintaining the minimum threshold of responsiveness to the electorate, that is spinning out of control some more with each new day. The crackup is near, and granted the public gives the white man party a lot more rope than the party of those “others”, there is still a limit to that leeway.
So I just try to remind myself of the axiom, no pain , no gain, and we are just going to have to suffer the results of the GOP crackup, the contrast of which couldn’t have been clearer than with Obama’s SOTU address last night. The people have a clear choice, and there is not a lot more to be done about it until they make that choice, other than what dems are currently doing.
I say let the cash and crazy fly its freek flag high, and call it a public service message from wingnut hell, and if the citizens of this country want an insane corporate run existence, well, that is just how it will be. Or, they can see what is happening, and become willing to support the only remedy of putting the shredder to the concept of money as guaranteed free speech, to make the constitutional change to put that whacked out theory to rest, and beyond the reach of wingnut judges.