Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Loyal Opposition, NOT

If this is any indication of the tone of the coming GOP "loyal opposition", I wonder what the unloyal kind might sound like.

Katon Dawson, the chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party, promised in a new a YouTube message to be Obama's "worst nightmare" and said it would be the party’s mission for the next four years to "expose" the Democrats for what they "want to do to this country."

And this is before Obama has been sworn in as President. Welcome to the land of wingnut civility Obama. It will only get worse as Dawson explains;

"Whether you're the chairman of the state party or the national committee, your job is to hold Democrats accountable in every way," he told CNN. "That doesn't mean you have to do it in a mean tone of voice or in a way that doesn't offer solutions."

Mean is relative, I suppose.