Sunday, December 2, 2007

Gunmen kill at least 20 in Iraqi village

Gunmen kill at least 20 in Iraqi villageBAGHDAD, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- A bomb killed one soldier and gunmen killed at least 20 people in two separate attacks in Iraq. The Multi-National Force soldier died Saturday when a bomb exploded near a combat patrol in eastern Baghdad, the Kuwait News Agency, KUNA, reported Sunday.North of Baghdad, dozens of gunmen Saturday raided the Shiite village of Duwaili, burning homes and killing at least 20 civilians, The Washington Post reported Sunday.Tribal elders blamed the attack on recent U.S. military withdrawals in an area where Iraqi security forces were not ready to assume responsibility for security.
Gunmen kill at least 20 in Iraqi village
As I noted in a post yesterday, what happens when American troops leave an area they've pacified. Well, this is what happens and there few parts of Iraq where it won't happen. So the question remains. How long do we babysit Iraqi's bent on fighting and killing each other? Would it take 3 years, five, 10-15 years.?

This we won't hear from pro-surge pro-war republicans. Their vision extends to not much more than the length of their nose. And certainly not past next years election. Wingnuts are in a desperate struggle for political survival for the near future and cannot be trusted to do what's best for the country. Their only response is to sling their feces at the "surrender monkey defeatocrats". while rejecting out of hand any democratic alternatives. The "party of faith" is conducting the quagmire in Iraq on a "wing and prayer"  that realty of history in Iraq doesn't exist or is at least different than what it is.

Thirty eight dead GI'S last month. An acceptable level of casualties in America.? Not to most of America who will have a voice in Nov 2008.

 What a pretty pickle American is in, at least maybe until Jan 2009

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By all Means--Purge Away!

What’s needed for a GOP victory in 2008 - A true Conservative CandidateDec 2 at 7:07am by MacrangerI have long said that what the Republican Party needs to revive itself as the party of mention is to purge itself of all the “moss” that has gathered on the “stone” since 2000.To explain we have to go back about 30 years to the last purge.Back in 1974-1975 the President was what would be called a Republican in Name Only, or RINO. That of course was Gerald R. Ford, who passed away this year. Ford was in fact our last true RINO president, after the last president of the Rockefeller wing of the party. He was pro-abortion, tax raising and when it came to being tough on the Soviets he was a disaster.
What’s needed for a GOP victory in 2008 - A true Conservative Candidate by Macsmind - Blog of The MacRanger Show!


Yes, Macsmind, I think your onto something healthy, wealthy and wise for the Grand Old Party to make it's grand old comeback. As you say, the current times and political landscape is Just like 1976 with another Ronald Reagoon waiting in the wings to sweep the wingnut hordes upward to that venerable "Shining City On A Hill". One question --Are you sure you're not confusing American politics with "The Rapture".?

The 35% of voters who now support the GOP wingnut coalition of the stupids, really needs some more paring down to reach ideological purity. I say throw the commie tax raising abortion loving, war hating RINO's out on their keisters .


Then a “coup” in 1976 occurred when the “New Right”, conservatives moved to oust Ford for Ronald Reagan as the Republican nominee. It failed, but we didn’t give up. However that “failure” brought Jimmy Carter to the nation and we are still suffering the affects of that disaster. The way to lose to Democrats is not to “out liberal” them, that’s the lesson Ford learned.

Drat, that damn peanut farmer is causing all the problems in America today.

"While I both support and admire President Bush the fact is that his eight years have only blurred the lines of conservatism further. His “compassionate conservatism” was really nothing more than big government liberalism, and in retrospect he only adopted a few tenants of conservatism, and in retrospect his presidency might have in some ways been the worst thing to ever happen to our party."
Everybody knows GWB is nothing but a big fat librul who kilt our party when we wasn't looking. "DAMN YOU JIMMA CARTER"
But Mark Finklestein will have not of it.

Broder To Republicans: Take McCain-Huckabee

Photo of Mark Finkelstein.
By Mark Finkelstein | December 2, 2007 - 08:09 ET

"A camel is a horse designed by committee." -- ascribed to Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine Issigonis.

Perhaps the only thing more likely to yield ungainly results than a committee designing a horse is a Democrat designing a Republican presidential ticket. David Broder tries his hand at it in his WaPo column today, "Principles Amid the GOP Pack. The result is a double-humped dromedary known as McCain-Huckabee.
My God, McCain-Huckabee -- "A double humped Dromedary". I was saying this just the other day, quite easily the most creative wingnut insult of the week.

So what bright wisdom's does the Beltway Oracle have on the GOP Angst in the year of our war 2008 [almost].

# for the those who wonder what's a Dromedary with two humps. Think Humphry the Camel.

Principles Amid the GOP Pack

Sunday, December 2, 2007; Page B07

If the Republican Party really wanted to hold on to the White House in 2009, it's pretty clear what it would do. It would grit its teeth, swallow its doubts and nominate a ticket of John McCain for president and Mike Huckabee for vice president -- and president-in-waiting.


The wise one never[always] disappoints. It's the dread Dromedary ticket for GOP salvation in 2008.

Further pontifications flesh out Broder's prescription of "pas de deux" for victory.

What will the little children say?


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Secrecy invoked on Abramoff lawsuits [ or how Bushies plan to escape the hoosgow]

StumbleUponSecrecy invoked on Abramoff lawsuitsAdministration Employs New Secrecy Defense in Lawsuits Over Abramoff's White House VisitsPETE YOSTAP NewsDec 01, 2007 16:32 ESTThe Bush administration is laying out a new secrecy defense in an effort to end a court battle about the White House visits of now-imprisoned lobbyist Jack Abramoff.The administration agreed last year to produce all responsive records about the visits "without redactions or claims of exemption," according to a court order.But in a court filing Friday night, administration lawyers said that the Secret Service has identified a category of highly sensitive documents that might contain information sought in a lawsuit about Abramoff's trips to the White House.The Justice Department, citing a Cold War-era court ruling, declared that the contents of the "Sensitive Security Records" cannot be publicly revealed even though they could show whether Abramoff made more visits to the White House than those already acknowledged.
The Raw Story | Secrecy invoked on Abramoff lawsuits

Absolutely hilarious, Abramoff's wingnut crookery is know a matter of National Security. You just can't make this stuff up. Many questions storm the mind as to how Abramoff's visits involved Secret Service secrets. Maybe that creepy outfit Abramoff wore to court was his "double super secret" spy uniform? Or maybe Abramoff was undercover  when he bilked the Indian Tribes out of millions. Think of it, it's perfect, Abram was secretly sniffing out any possible terra plots by those shifty Injun's while picking up a few bucks in the progress. It's all Goviment money anyway, so no harm no foul.

Pathetic no longer describes the Bush administration. I'm not sure any word in the English language  does.

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The Surge-- Folly?

Dozens of gunmen overran a Shiite village north of Baghdad on Saturday, killing at least 20 people, police said, the latest in a recent spike in attacks in Diyala province, where the U.S. military is rotating some troops out and moving others in.

Last week, a suicide bomber attacked a police checkpoint in Diyala's capital, Baqubah, killing seven people, including five policemen. Another suicide bomber blew herself up near a U.S. patrol, injuring seven U.S. soldiers and five Iraqi civilians. On Nov. 18, a suicide bomber killed three U.S. soldier


Herein lies the problem with Bush's surge. Just the fact of American troops rotating out of Diyala Province while their replacements arrive, provides an opening for increased violence. Al Quaida and the many un-pacified nationalist Iraqi insurgents are not beaten and only need a modicum of breathing space to re-ignite their cause. What will happen when the extra troops in Baquba now begin to be removed starting this month. The victory parades will have to be put on hold and the violence spurred by US presence on Iraqi streets will continue and more Americans will needlessly die. Note to Pro-war wingers--open your small minds and face reality.

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