Saturday, January 19, 2008

Different War, Different Faces, Indifferent America

Below is a rather lengthy but thorough article on the perennial problem of homeless vets. I have a little insight on this having been one myself a number of years ago. Although the problem became highlighted with returning Vietnam vets, it actually has been around at least since World War 1 Only the names and faces change but never this countries inadequate response.
Why does Johnny come marching homeless?

By ERIN McCLAM, AP National Writer 9 minutes ago

LEEDS, Mass. - Peter Mohan traces the path from the Iraqi battlefield to this lifeless conference room, where he sits in a kilt and a Camp Kill Yourself T-shirt and calmly describes how he became a sad cliche: a homeless veteran.

The articles author Erin McClam honestly asks the question.
This is not a new story in America: A young veteran back from war whose struggle to rejoin society has failed, at least for the moment, fighting demons and left homeless.

But it is happening to a new generation. As the war in Afghanistan plods on in its seventh year, and the war in Iraq in its fifth, a new cadre of homeless veterans is taking shape.

And with it come the questions: How is it that a nation that became so familiar with the archetypal homeless, combat-addled Vietnam veteran is now watching as more homeless veterans turn up from new wars?

Being unencumbered by the modern media's vacuous self-imposed "false equivalence" mandate, I will give you the short answer Erin. The how and why is the conservative ideology we've suffered under for the past 30 years. It's the right-wing mantra of "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" and usually applies to everyone but them and theirs. We have hundreds of billions of borrowed money to make war on a country that didn't attack us. We have endless tax cuts for the wealthy again paid for with borrowed money. And we have Republican pronouncements all day every day about how they respect and love the troops. But if you look close enough, you will find GOP obstruction at every turn for helping vets, to the needed degree, once they're no longer fighting wingnut wars.

I read today, we are at the end of the Reagan era of conservative governance. If this turns out to be true and the country gives progressives the power to make changes in veterans care, and generally help for the less fortunate, then, Erin, I think and hope we will do better as a country.

The Rest of the Article

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It's Saturday Fly On the Wall Night

Our Dear Leader in cajoles with Saudi Prince Salman Abdul Aziz. brother of King Abdulla.

Prince Salman- Georgy boy, why are you laughing so hard. We have heard you are not so popular with your subjects.

GWB-Yea, I know Salmmy, but they ain't a darn thing they can do 'bout it, Hee, hee. Besides, oil's got so high we all gettin' rich in the bidness.

Prince Salman--Now you make me laugh so hard too. What will become of us and our big profits when you are gone?

GWB--Well Salmmy, don't fret, I got me a plan on that.

Prince Salman- Please tell me your plan Georgy. I am so excited.

GWB--Well, don't tell, but I'm gonna bomb the shit right out of the mullahs in eye-ran while I'm headed out the door of the White House. I reckon that'll keep oil prices stuck to the ceiling for awhile. Heee Hee, Hee.

Prince Salman- That is so good Georgy, I can't wait to tell the King. We will be rich and death to the blasphemous Persian devils. By the way, how do you like the sword?

GWB-- Why, it's the best present I ever got Salmmy, Say, ya don't have any heads need loppin' off do ya? Hee, Hee. Just kiddin' Sallmy, sorta.

Prince Salman-- Georgy, what do you plan for Iraq in your last year?

GWB-- Well Salmmy, I plan on blamin' the whole mess on the Clinton's, when Hellary gets elected. Hee hee.

Prince Salman- Georgy, please hold my arm a little tighter like at the Chariot Races last year.


Our "states rights" wingnut's are at it again. Anything and everything for big oil should be their motto. When Senator Barbara Boxer requested documents from the EPA on why they denied California a waiver to institute it's tougher than the feds emission standards, the EPA invoked "Executive Privilege" while providing blank and redacted documents. This is the EPA mind you, that secret agency deep into national security. If it got out how they do their business the terrorists have won. But apparently, one man made this decision that effectively stopped 15 states other than California from fighting global warming and air pollution in general.
EPA Deletes Large Portions of Documents Turned Over in Calif. Greenhouse Gas Case

AP News

Jan 18, 2008 21:41 EST

Invoking executive privilege, the Environmental Protection Agency on Friday refused to provide lawmakers with a full explanation of why it rejected California's greenhouse gas regulations.

The documents provided Friday by the EPA omitted key details, including a presentation that Senate aides said predicted EPA would lose a lawsuit if it went to court for denying California's waiver.

The refusal to provide a full explanation is the latest twist in a congressional investigation into why the agency denied California permission to impose what would have been the country's toughest greenhouse gas standards on cars, trucks and sports utility vehicles.

Do we really need an investigation to know what happened here. After 7 years of fierce protection of big business by the Bushies and a big middle finger to laws they don't like, this is just business as usual by GOP gremlins. No circumvented law left behind, regardless of the benefit to the country as a whole, or, this case, the world.
"The documents are going to show the decision remained the responsibility of the administrator," Shradar said. "He stands by his decision."

Everything except the titles was omitted from 16 pages of a 43-page Power Point presentation, according to copy of the document e-mailed to The Associated Press.

"Everything but the title" was omitted, You got to hand it to them, their arrogance is world class.

Rest of Article

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