Tried to link video from Huffington Post, but couldn't. But, it is worth a look. Former Senator Al D'Amato (R-NY) blasts a fellow Fox Business News guest Jack Burkman about his racist comments that the US Postal Service only hires unskilled labor, particularly "Nigerians" who should be driving taxis.
Putting aside issues of the Postal Service and the fact that the internet has drastically changed how we communicate and conduct business, Burkman's comments about unskilled labor were stunning.
Apparently conservatives -- through the tea partiers -- have no problem supporting unskilled individuals to lead our states and even the country. Talk about unskilled labor. Christine O'Donnell and Sarah Palin could easily fall under the category of "unskilled labor." Yet, they are being promoted as the answer to America's future.
If you are a person of color genuinely trying to make an honest living to support your family and community you don't deserve a chance. If you are white and stupid, but profess Christian values and spout vacuous slogans, you are worthy to lead.
The tea party movement is nothing more than cover for racist individuals to exercise their racism under the guise of supposedly patriot Americans concerned with the country's direction.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
From the Mouths of Crazy People
Everyone seems to be focused on the Delaware GOP tea bag senate hopeful Christine O'Donnell and the nutty stuff she says, but there is another tea bagger who is trying to out wingnut her. Glen Urquhart is the wingnut tea partier who won the GOP nomination to replace the defeated senate hopeful Mike Castle. He pulls out the Godwin card and trips over it backtracking. Mr. Urquart gives voice to neanderthals everywhere on the separation of church and state in America.
You can likely get away with that in South Carolina, but in Delaware some explaining is in order, so Mr. Urquart doubles down and follows with the "out of context" card.
Oh yes you did dumbfuck. The internet never forgets, nor forgives.

"Do you know, where does this phrase 'separation of church and state' come from?" Urquhart asked at a campaign event last April. "It was not in Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists. ... The exact phrase 'separation of Church and State' came out of Adolph Hitler’s mouth, that's where it comes from. So the next time your liberal friends talk about the separation of Church and State ask them why they’re Nazis."
You can likely get away with that in South Carolina, but in Delaware some explaining is in order, so Mr. Urquart doubles down and follows with the "out of context" card.
According to Delaware Online, "Urquhart says the statement was taken out of context and that he did not explain his point very well. If he could do it over, he said, he would add more historical context and explain why he rejects Hitler's take on the relationship between government and the church."
"I didn't mean to suggest -- and I am not suggesting -- that people who are liberals are Nazis,"
Oh yes you did dumbfuck. The internet never forgets, nor forgives.

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