Thursday, July 29, 2010

Stop the Presses

All about it. Read all about it.

Republicans focus on tax cuts for recess

House Republican leaders largely avoid mentioning former President George W. Bush in their August recess package to GOP members.

Hilarious - after 8 long and bloody years full of wild spending by self described fiscal conservatives who backed George Bush tooth and nail. Now they never heard of the guy. But they have heard of the "cut taxes" mindless drone from the right. Of course, that is only to reign in Obama's socialist spending agenda.

The Irony Gawds are also alive and well within the winger world when they demagogue daily the size of the national deficit, all the while pushing for the government to collect less revenue by giving their rich friends more riches they couldn't possibly spend all of. Team America - Wingnuts Gone Wild.

nstead of calling for an extension of Bush’s tax cuts, which House Republican leaders support, they refer to the looming “Democrats’ tax hikes.”

Under the heading “Job Creation,” Republicans call the expiring tax cuts, set to lapse at the end of this year, a Democratic plan “on increasing taxes by $3.8 trillion.”

There own sun setted tax cuts set to expire becomes Obama's tax increases. How coolfu is that.

Time Heals Most Wounds

Not really surprising that the country is looking more favorable on the HCR, now that we don't have as many wingnuts going on the teevee lying about it, and no Tea Bag fools screaming at town hall meetings for congresscritters. Just the reforms alone, when the public has a chance to take in a deep breath, should slowly pass into peoples gray matter that they can no longer be tossed off their health insurance at the whim of a greedy insurance company, which so often happened when they got sick. And gradually the now prohibited practice of denying coverage for pre existing condition should also sink in.

The still big unnanswered question is will skyrocketing premium increases begin to come down, or at least stabilize with the national inflation rates. This is a big question mark, and until the new reform provisions kick in, the insurance companies will certainly continue to gouge the public any way they can. And that goes double to providers, especially hospitals.

Opposition to Health Care Law Declining
The latest Kaiser tracking poll finds opposition to the landmark health care law signed into law by President Obama in March has declined over the past month, from 41% to 35%.

Meanwhile, 50% held a favorable view of the law, up slightly from 48% a month ago, and the highest level since the legislation was enacted.

via Political Wire