Friday, July 4, 2008

What in the World is Wrong With Democrats

I’ve come to believe the wingnuts were onto something with the Bush Derangement Syndrome” I mostly got over mine with the democratic landslide in 2006. And not because democrats

recaptured congress, as I knew the slim margins and lingering insecurities of keeping the majority would prevent them from changing much the status quo.

But more because my fears that the American public had permanently bought into the wingnut narrative, were essentially unfounded. But for many (or some) their seems to be dissociative element that prevents them from looking ahead to where democrats control most of the power levers. And how that will totally upend the current political realty in America. That doesn’t mean democrats will always toe the line on all issues for progressive governance, because they won’t, and neither will Obama. It does mean

we’ll begin to look back and see how GWB made us all quite nuts, to one degree or another, and that now it is something for history to sort out. Unless of course, dems sabotage their candidate and let Mccain win.