Monday, June 14, 2010

Blue Oyster Cult- Don't Fear The Reaper - Open Music Thread

Gather Your Armies

Just your local Tea Party unplugged, unhinged, and unAmerican.

Doesn't Anyone Tell the Truth Anymore?

We are all used to politicians telling us lies, but this is getting ridiculous. All the Vietnam false stories and other military fibs, jeebus christ. Maybe it is the internet that makes it easier to look this stuff up, but it is embarrassing for the country that we are inundated with this crap.

Though U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul (R) says he is a "board-certified" ophthalmologist, the Louisville Courier-Journal reports that "the national clearinghouse for such certifications says he hasn't been for the past five years."

When the newspaper tried to interview Paul over the weekend, he wouldn't comment.

Asked when he would talk, Paul said: "Uh, you know, never... What does this have to do with our election?"

via/Political Wire

Out of the mouths of Idiots

"Yet if we carried out a targeted campaign against Iran’s nuclear facilities, against sites used to train and equip militants killing American soldiers, and against certain targeted terror-supporting and nuclear-enabling regime elements, the effects are just as likely to be limited." William Kristol.

Why does anyone listen to this guy? After Iraq and Afghanistan, you would think he would learn that the effects of targeted campaigns are not limited -- people still die.

Rattlesnakes Under Your Porch

Today's drive to work was informative as ever -- Apparently there are rattlesnakes living under my porch, and the administration isn't doing anything to contain them. According to one passionate Pastor, Muslims -- really Muslims -- are free to roam around the US (even those who are citizens) and are increasingly becoming comfortable on our patios and backyards....And, I guess, under our porches.

The second thing I learned this morning is that Lady Sarah is going to England to chat with Lady Margaret. Does she still think that Margaret Thatcher is PM?