Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday Iraq Report

Thursday: 1 US Soldier, 20 Iraqis Killed; 20 Iraqis Wounded

Updated at 5:30 p.m. EST, Jan. 31, 2008

For the third day in a row, Baghdad saw a number of small bombings. One explosion killed an American soldier. At least 20 Iraqis were killed or found dead and 20 more were wounded in attacks across the country. Meanwhile, the head of a parliamentary committee warns of the dire consequences facing Iraqi war widows. Also, military authorities reported that military suicides are up by as much as 20 percent, while Bush administration officials released stricter rules to govern security contractors in Iraq

Updated at 11:50 p.m. EST, Jan. 31, 2008

For the third day in a row, Baghdad saw a number of small bombings. At least 23 Iraqis were killed or found dead and 38 more were wounded in attacks across the country. Two U.S. soldiers were also killed. Meanwhile, the head of a parliamentary committee warns of the dire consequences facing Iraqi war widows. Also, military authorities reported that troopmember suicides are up by as much as 20 percent, and Bush administration officials released stricter rules to govern security contractors in Iraq.

A roadside bomb explosion killed an American soldier today in Baghdad, while another U.S. servicember was killed by indirect fire in Tikrit.

From Wingnut Wizardette Malkin

Today's lesson in wingnut logic is more akin to a gaffe
or a nugget of truthiness. Take your pick.
From the mouth of the wingnut wizardette herself.

So, Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed John McCain. He extolled McCain for “reach[ing] across the political aisle to get things done.”

We’ll hear that annoying platitude a bazillion and one times through Super Tuesday and beyond.

To which I say: When did it become the Republican Party’s top priority to “get things done"


Man O man, Michelle nails it on this one. We're half way thru the 110th Congress and Republicans have already broke all records for filibusters. They're on pace to double that dubious distinction of being the filibuster Kings of all time in American history. Hoorah! Michelle, hoorah. By your noble standards the current minority in congress has succeeded in getting little done by blocking everything that moves thru the US Senate.

tip from Sadly, No!

Wednesday Iraq Report--Mr. Bush's Gift to Iraq

Wednesday: 28 Iraqis Killed, 35 Wounded courtesy of

Updated at 9:00 p.m EST, Jan. 30, 2008

A flurry of small bombings continued in and around Baghdad for the second day in a row. Overall, at least 28 Iraqis were killed and 35 more wounded throughout the country. No Coalition deaths were reported. Also, two new studies reported significant new findings concerning Iraqi war deaths and wounded American soldiers.

According to an Opinion Research Group poll, over one million Iraqis have died since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.


One million dead Iraqi's Mr. Bush. It's a good thing we got rid of Saddam Hussein so Iraqi's could be free and safe from his murderous ways. Now over one million have no more worries at all!