Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hearts and Minds

How not to win a war against extremist Islam. After 7 years, Sami al Hajj was released from the Gitmo Gulag without the US government ever publishing any charges against him. His supporters claim his incarceration was a way to punish his employer Al Jazeera for their negative coverage of the Iraq war. Given the circumstances that he was held so long without charge or trial, it's hard to counter that argument. Of course, the wingnut populace of America would declare my statement anti-American and pro terrorist. My response to them would be "kiss my ass you traitors to the Constitution".

Via The Raw Story

Al Jazeera cameraman who returned yesterday to his home of Sudan from
Guantánamo Bay and delivered a speech broadcast live on Sudanese
television described the US facility as "heinous."

His speech was broadcast live on Sudanese television. He was held at Guantanamo for seven years, and was never charged.

"After 2,340 days spent in the most heinous prison mankind has ever
known, we are honored to be here. Thank you, and thank all those
defended us and of our right in freedom," said Sami al Hajj, who spoke
at an event organized by his.

Read the rest of the story here

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Surge this Mr. 100 years in Iraq McCain

5 GIs, 1 US Contractor, 2 Georgian Soldiers, 44 Iraqis Killed; 122 Iraqis Wounded

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Terrific new singer songwriter Rachel Yamagata and very easy on the eyes.


More Shocking KBR News From Iraq

I had to do a doubletake on this story, as it seemed so fantastical it had to be false. But no it's real, and adds one more black star for KBR, the Halliburton subsidiary doing billions in contract work for the military in Iraq and Afghanistan. Failing to ground electical wiring is so basic that failure to do it has to be borderline criminal, no it is criminal, especially when it is occurring multiple times. Damn these money whoring war profiteers to hell!

From the New York Times

WASHINGTON — In October 2004, the United States Army issued an urgent bulletin to commanders across Iraq,
warning them of a deadly new threat to American soldiers. Because of
flawed electrical work by contractors, the bulletin stated, soldiers at
American bases in Iraq had received severe electrical shocks, and some
had even been electrocuted.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Hillary Channels George Bush

Just incredible is what this is. Not only is the Clinton campaign sounding more and more like the GOP, now Hillary herself is using Bush jingoism's to win votes in Indiana. What a nauseating display. What next, Maybe "Bring 'em On".

Posted: 06:30 PM ET

After several days of back and forth between Hillary Clinton and Barack
Obama over whether a summer-long elimination of the gas tax would help
or hurt, Clinton took a hard line, asking her colleagues in Congress to
take sides.

“I believe it would be important to get every member of Congress on
record,” Clinton told supporters at a rally in southern Indiana. “Do
they stand with the hard-pressed Americans who are trying to pay their
gas bills at the gas station or do they once again stand with the oil

“I want to know where people stand and I want them to tell us, are
they with us or against us when it comes to taking on the oil
companies?” she added.

The “with us or against us” line wasn’t the only George W. Bush
reference Thursday evening. Telling a story about Republicans crossing
party lines and whispering their support to her, Clinton said, “It’s
kind of like a little bit of a confessional when somebody comes and
says, ‘You know I voted for George Bush, and I’m really sorry.’”