Paula Cole - Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
National Healthcare
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Coming Show
We here at the Funhouse look forward to the good fight to come. Our wingnut rivals will be bringing on the stoopid in heavy doses, and liberal purists will test our patience. There is nothing remotely funny about the present state of America and the world, but Funny is nevertheless a necessary nutrient for the body politic and great effort will be made to deliver it in appropriate doses, along with the serious. Our correspondents and contributors are as clueless as any MSM counterpart, but the different is that we know it and they don't. So buckle up for the ride through snark land and parody park.
Chief of Operations -- Nightjar
Sunday, November 9, 2008
No, I agree. A Constitutional Republic needs two viable parties to
work properly. The trouble is, that the devils bargain with the
Southern Strategy has come full circle. What we call Wingnuttery is
actually not the Republican Party nor loyal conservatism. What we now
have in charge of the GOP, are the remnants
of the conquered secessionist ideology of the Old South. Their beef is
with the Constitution itself, or those parts that are either explicit
or have evolved liberally into things like progressive taxation,
separation of church and state, total equality under the law and a
whole host of public laws that insure fairness and accountability, such
as privacy, and laws of God versus those of Men.
The conflict is currently intractable IMO, and who knows what will emerge out of the ashes of the also conquered Conservative Movement.