Was going to wait till the end of the month to end my internet vacation, but my landlord is raising the rent in 3 months, so I need it to look for a new place. Great, and now with a doggy to find something. Unless I can work out a long term lease to keep the same price. The good news is the wife of one of the owners likes me and is working on her hubby to relent. Our friendship is just friends, but it could all backfire anyways. We shall see.
Meantime Charlie is doing just great, though it is hot as hell here now and his thick fur doesn't help and he kind of mopes around till nightime and cooler temps. Politics still sucks and I am in no rush to start writing about it just yet. till later
A little Charlie pick me up. From yesterday our romp around the Historic mining town of Pinus Altos NM, He is pooped and so was I after our walk in 98 degree tems.
The "professional" way to help a dog stay cool in hot weather is to wrap a wet bandanna or towel around its torso and let evaporation work its magic. (I had a friend who raised Great Danes, and her dogs actually wore wet t-shirts on summer show days.) On the other hand, a lot of little dogs like Charlie HATE HATE HATE getting/staying wet. The other trick I've used with my little guys is to give them what some groomers call a "geezer cut"... basically, to shave their fur short from just behind the ruff, all along the belly, and down the inside of their back legs. If you're careful, you won't be able to tell Charlie's been clipped down unless he's lying on his back -- the long hair on his sides & neck will hide the trimmed area. But he will be able to cool his belly (and reduce his core temp) when he lies down on a cool tile floor or a damp patch of ground. And if he really get overheated, it's easier to wet down his underparts without first having to soak through his heavy outer coat.
ReplyDeleteThanks Anne Laurie. I always carry iced water with me hiking and a cup for Charlie. I read not to trim Aussie Terriers, and his underbelly is almost fur free naturally, so I think he will be okay. He does hate getting wet though.
ReplyDeleteHe is way too cute. I understand him. I also feel pooped after a day in DC, although I much prefer the heat to the cold. One problem here is that even in the evenings, the humidity can remain high.
ReplyDeleteGood to have you back. Listened to wingnut radio on the way home from work only to be reminded again how BP is the victim and Obama is incompetent. One idiot even said that the environment is capable of "making itself whole again," (whatever that means), and the more urgent problem is surviving the socialists!
Hi Annie. Hope you are doing well. I don't miss the humidity from back east. While it gets very hot here, I can handle that better than 90 percent humidity. Of course when it gets over a hundred here, the dryness doesn't much matter.
ReplyDeleteIf you want, you can be a co blogger here on this little blog. You could write anything you want. Let me know if you want to be. If not, that's okay too. :)
Hey Stuck! Long time no read. I wondered over here when I saw a comment of yours at BJ.
ReplyDeleteThe blogosphere has become so useless than ever before. I can understand why people get so disenchanted with politics.
I will bookmark your blog. Talk to you soon!
Hi Da Bomb! Hope you are doing well. It is getting lonesome out there in the ethers for we Obots. The left side tea baggers pretty much run the nutroot asylum.:)
ReplyDeleteI would love to be a co-blogger. Thanks for the invite! I will post something tonight. Just go easy on my tech skills -- they suck. Maybe this will finally push me to learn something or more of something....
ReplyDeleteThat wasn't anonymous -- that was me Annie!
ReplyDeleteGreat. I don't know if you can post without having the password and id number. I don't want to post it in comments, so you will need to give me an email address I can send it to you. My email is arnold40zz@gmail.com.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't worry about any tech skills, they can't be worse than mine. :)
Annie, I figured out what is needed to add you as an author. I just need an email account address of yours to plug into the blog settings. You may want to create one that is not your often used one, but that is up to you.