Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The Other Party
Democrats are “the other” party in this country and always start out the gate behind the republicans. Americans much prefer, the idea of having republicans run the government. And when they turn that idea into reality, and vote the GOP into power, then another reality takes up competition with “that ideal” as the leading faces that look mostly like there faces, faces that have studied the magic words the majority wants to hear to complete the fantasy. A fantasy that quickly turns into a governing nightmare, that becomes real when the well scrubbed populace realize somebody is stealing from them, in all sorts of creative ways.
And it is not by accident, that seemingly, and accurately, the only times democrats have the opportunity to get elected and gain power, is when the patriotic republican fantasy turns everything to shit via the round peg in square hole approach of conservative ideology deployed to govern a liberal democracy. And during the confusion, the hucksters and charlatans make off with the loot for their plutocrat employers, and when the dust settles, Barrack Obama gets elected president, and Nancy Pelosi makes Speaker of the Peoples House and the country cries for help from that “other party”.
For awhile, and sometimes a short while, like with the 2010 election, when patience runs thin once more with that “other party” and the worried minds of the average voter opens itself to the old lies and memes, and eyes turn to that “other party” with it’s faces of color and lack of magic words, and doubts of trust make a return, and the cycle of reconnection to the familiar begins all over again.
The good news is, this is slowly but surely changing in this country, and the election of Obama proves that. But it is in fits and spurts, and the clock is ticking.

Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
"more" Wikileaks
As I have always maintained, I am full square for leakers and publishers to bring to light of day, government lawbreaking and general malfeasance regardless of the source. And in any case would likely become an urban guerrilla if the government were to take punitive or other coercive methods against our news providers to prevent them from publishing the Assange Files.
But I have no time for anyone leaking classified info for the sole general purpose that they don’t like the US and want to harm it in any way they can. And I believe that the government can request any time they want, that Amazon, a private company to consider the situation and decide to not publish these ill gotten files. It happens all the time, even for serious and substantial leaks, the government requesting news folks to not publish this or that material, and new papers make their own judgments in the cause of public service, versus malicious intent, and sometimes do not publish classified materials.
The point is, there is a line where stealing and publishing such material serves the public good, or it does not and causes, or could case malicious harm.

Monday, November 29, 2010
The thing about the nexus of what actually ends up happening in governance, and the details of the processes that led to the creation of that reality in governing, for me is only as important as is my agreement with that policy. Republicans have an entirely different set of values and preferences.
I want to see how a lie is formed when shit happens that doesn’t make sense, like with the entire Iraq misadventure. A wingnut may want to know if Obama had a seance to contact the collectivist spirit of Karl Marx for instruction on how to pass “gubmint run healthcare”.
The point is that secrets are only malevolent as what they lead to, and their essence mitigated by things we can see with out own eyes that is relative to ideology and personal values.
I think the state department leaks of cables, and government workings, not matched up with a suspicion of a specific bad policy is at best a flailing “attack” on my country and authority in general. Leak to me the decision making and interactions that lead to torture becoming the official American policy with detailed infrastructure to carry it out. Give me names and address of those making illicit plans that made mockery out of the law. I am not interested in the scattershot fire of foreign anarchists and America haters, especially in the arena of the single agency we have that can promote peace in the world. The US State Department.
I do hope Assange and company gives us the inside skinny on the banksters, it will be a downpayment toward forgiving the bullshit released so far.

Saturday, November 27, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Liberal Heroes?
Progressives often stand in awe of the ability of Republicans to communicate their message in simple stories. Usually that begrudging admiration is focused on the ability of conservatives to so effectively make progressives the villain. To the extent that progressives have even attempted to use narrative, their efforts have often zeroed in on how to return the favor by demonizing Republicans
Liberals and progressives cannot have such heroes, because they are fickle and think independently. That has it’s drawbacks for sure, but if we weren’t like that, we would be republicans, and Obama would get credit for what he has accomplished. With Libs/progs, not even the perfect gets a pass, if it did in fact exist. We want things, always. It is a matter of personal nature, that doesn’t end until it’s time for the long drink of embalming fluid.
I think this is a good thing, all things considered. Without it, social evolution is not possible. But it is not painless.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
The Messenger
Friday, November 12, 2010
My life -- Kitty Part 3
With each choice -- she rejects several -- I finally get her to eat a bit of one. At that point, I have yuk in my fingers and yuk on the floor. Her brother is walking back and forth knowing that if she doesn't eat, he will reap the benefits of what she has rejected.
Then I email our vet -- love the guy because he gave me his email. I tell him that if we can't solve this soon, I will go through several cases of wine and probably a bottle or two of scotch.
We are caught in a loop. She has a thyroid issue -- hyperthyroidism -- that has to be under control before we can deal with her eating issue -- which is more related to needing a good dental intervention. She does try to eat, but something in her mouth hurts, so when she tries to chew, she stops, her paw touches her mouth, she gets frustrated and stops.
However, apparently, they can't put her under to do the dental cleaning until the thyroid issue is controlled, which means she has to eat. She can't eat because something in her mouth hurts.
Finally tonight I figured out that if I mush her food -- making it easier for her to eat if she doesn't have to chew -- she eats a little. For how long, I don't know.
I truly love this little girl, and it kills me that she has taken to climbing in my lap, just like she did as a kitten but hasn't done for a few years and looks to me as if to say -- figure this out, take care of me, and please, please, do it quickly.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Smrda my kitty, part 2
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
What we do for our darling pets
Unfortunately, as usual, my husband is off on one of his 5 week trips. No way could I hold her and squirt. So our vet -- who is one of the most awesome people ever -- gave me some cream to put in her ear daily. So far, not too bad. Once got her head instead of the ear and once got her butt.
But, we still have the eating issue. We took her to the vet initially because she seemed to have problems eating -- this from a cat who once was 20lbs. Clearly a tooth or gum issue.
We have to wait a month before we can give her a teeth cleaning. Our vet didn't want to put her under until we dealt with other issues.
Well, our darling Princess, with the anger issues, has decided that she CAN eat, but only if I put the wet, yuk food in my hand. No eating out of cans or bowels for her. Only my hand. So every morning and every evening, I sit on the floor, with wet, yuk food in my hand, and she happily eats and eats and eats.
I now have prunes for hands -- to get the smell out I have been washing my hand with dish soap. If I could put my hand in the dishwasher I would.
All for love.....
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Dumber Than Spit
Catch Sarah signing a US Flag, desecration NO NO. And are these motherfuckers dumb, or what? Jeebus.
The Right Hand Threatens the Left One
A group trying to register voters in Houston received threats and emails containing racist slurs after being targeted by a local tea party group accusing it of "voter fraud."
In emails obtained by TPM, the group Houston Votes was accused of being "a bunch of white guilt ridden assholes, NIGGERS and greasy mexican spics," "fraudulent Marxist pigs," and "American hating A-holes."
Nope, those white real Americans ain't racist, dontcha know.
via TPM

And So It Begins
As the consequences of the SCOTUS Citizens United begin to form into into organized cadres of rich interests to buy our elections and power, this years meager increases into Dark Money politicking will seem like child's play. The plutocrat's will begin having secret meetings in none other than playground of the rich and powerful Palm Springs, CA, to divvy up the cash for all sorts of seedy, and completely secretive operations to defeat democrats beginning in the presidential race of 2012.
A secretive network of Republican donors is heading to the Palm Springs area for a long weekend in January, but it will not be to relax after a hard-fought election — it will be to plan for the next one.
Not surprising that The Koch industries will be leading the pack for undermining 70 years of progressive initiatives from environmental protections to the social safety net. It is what the SCOTUS wingnuts planned when they equated money with speech, to outflank liberals and dems projected demographics gains into the future, fairly near future. It will be The Robber Barons part Deuxe and the bullshit will flow like manna from hell.
Koch Industries, the longtime underwriter of libertarian causes from the Cato Institute in Washington to the ballot initiative that would suspend California’s landmark law capping greenhouse gases, is planning a confidential meeting at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa to, as an invitation says, “develop strategies to counter the most severe threats facing our free society and outline a vision of how we can foster a renewal of American free enterprise and prosperity.”
Awwe yes, that American standard of "American Free Enterprise and Prosperity". Sounds pretty, doesn't it. But between the lines are more BP oil spills, dirtier air and drinking water, and global warming on steroids. And that is just arena. If you thought politicians were bought and paid for now, it will get much much worse, the pandering to corps for campaign cash, and the ever elusive quid pro quo will overtake any and all efforts to contain it. The goal posts will be moved to another planet, as campaign cash, and it's strings attached, will jigger around every politician who seeks reelection like so many plutocrat puppets. It is going to get very ugly, and along with our enormous problems already caused largely from corporate money in politics will run the profit train right over this country and especially the middle class. Which after all is the only stalwart against full frontal oligarchy. Goodbye American, nice to have known you.
The Kochs also seek to cultivate Americans’ growing concern about the growth of government: at the most recent meeting, in Aspen, Colo., in June, some of the wealthiest people in America listened to a presentation on “a vision of how we can retain the moral high ground and make the new case for liberty and smaller government that appeals to all Americans, rich and poor.”
The Barnum and Bailey approach for suckers born every minute. With the boilerplate "appeals to ALL Americans, rich and poor. A plan that has worked out so well, the country is broke, and those lucky enough to have a job, and stuck with stagnated wages while big corps have seen record profits for the past two or more decades.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Yeh, Annie's Kitty Is Going To Be Okay
My cat came back from the doctors, and it is her thyroid. I feel like shit because we did not recognize the signs earlier. It seems that as cats approach 12 years it is not uncommon to develop thyroid problems. If caught early, the condition is curable.
Good news indeed!!!
Great News From the Institute For A Meaningful Apocalypse!!
If you ever find yourself in a post-nuclear holocaust environment and come across people eating beef stroganoff, odds are they'll be Glenn Beck fans.
You may have heard about Beck's relationship with Goldline International, which urges people to buy gold and stay safe from the supposed inevitable devaluing of the dollar. Now meet Food Insurance, which sells survival kits of freeze-dried food and other items to help people live from two weeks to 12 months, depending on the plan purchased (and post-apocalyptic conditions). Beck has promoted the company's products, is featured prominently on the company's website, and a banner ad for the company, bearing Beck's image, was spotted on his website Monday.
via TPM

Monday, October 18, 2010
Country On the Brink
I know the old adage "It's the economy stupid", and that has certainly been a mixed bag for Obama and dems. Staving off a depression collapse we were teetering on just two years ago. Though we are not experiencing a quick bounce back from that severe downturn, we are also not standing in soup lines. I don't know what to think of the American voter, and it's attention span of a grasshopper, and seemingly bottomless pit of willingness to believe the most vapid lies of the Republicans, who have nearly completely abandoned any effort to participate in governing the past 2 years. And have not proposed any new ideas past the ones that led to the current mess we are in. Offering nothing much but conspiracy theories about our first black president, often crossing the line into rank racism.
It is a sad state of affairs for sure, and the activist left seems to be the right wings best ally, validating some of the worst bad faith critiques from the right, and even offering some of their own. Our politics right now just makes me ill, and blogging about them a painful chore that is more like howling at the moon for some sanity and perspective. I have resigned myself to voting and other than that just watching what happens in this apparent crumbling democracy. Seems too late to save to me. Hope I am wrong about that.

Sunday, October 17, 2010
America's True History of Religious Tolerance
Good article. Great for a lazy Sunday afternoon and as a reminder that despite their attempts to supress sound scholarship and replace it with their version of religious truth and conservative worldviews, good stuff is still out there.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
You Want to See Something Really Scary?
These people are truly scary, much more than any Sharia Law taking over being the current right wing hysteria. They are true believers in every sense of that term, and violence is part and parcel to their belief system. And come as close to any, a messianic fervor that is uncompromising and total in it's fundamental view of Christianity and The Bible.
via RWW
C. Peter Wagner is widely regarded as the man responsible for the New Apostolic Reformation which gave rise to the self-proclaimed prophets and apostles like Lou Engle, Cindy Jacobs, Jim Garlow, Lance Wallnau, Rick Joyner, Chuck Pierce, and the other Dominionist/7 Mountain advocates who are slowly working their way into the Religious Right mainstream.
For months, I have been trying to hammer home the point that when these activists refer to themselves as "prophets" and "apostles" on par with Jesus, they mean that literally.
And just to drive home that point, here is audio of Wagner speaking during the Generals International webcast earlier this month as he explains how, through the Holy Spirit, people like himself can perform miracles that outshine even Jesus Christ himself:
They are actually, not only a fanatical believers in God, but take that further of actually being God, or His Apostles of sorts. It is vaguely similar to the Tea Party whackadoos taking over the GOP, and seems to also be southern based. A truly theocratic mindset, possibly being in control of something like 80 millions Evangelicals in this country, who are currently floundering around looking for leadership, with an already proven record of following that suitable leader without much question. It is a distillation of sorts, to the essence of fundamental religious belief, that already ranks The US Constitution running second to The Bible. I don't think it is a far reach to see them merge or meld with the tea party faithful, and become a powerful and frightening political force in this country.

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
This was a joke, right?
Writes the wise Mr. Perkins:
"Where bullying has occurred, the blame should be placed on the bullies themselves--not on organizations within society who clearly oppose bullying. I suspect that few, if any, such bullies are people who regularly attend church, and I would not be surprised if most of the "bullies" did not have the positive benefit of both an active mom and dad in their lives. Religious faith and a return to traditional family values are more likely to be a solution to the problem of bullying than a cause."
Where to begin? First, Tony, you cite no evidence to your claim that bullies do not attend church and do not come from traditional families, with moms and dads. Second, where do children usually get messages about hate and bigotry? Often from listening to their moms and dads rail about "the gays," "the blacks" "the Jews" "the Muslims,"and any other group not to their liking. Just watch any tea party rally, most attended by moms and dads who represent "traditional family values," and especially observe how many bring their children. And, regarding churches, how many Sundays do Ministers preach against gays, single parents, feminists, progressives, and any other group they believe is stealing their converts. No messages of hate are ever preached in churches under the guise of Christian love. Right. I love how Tony sneaks a return to traditional family values in the message.
Then, dear Tony goes on to say:
"However, homosexual activist groups like GLSEN....are exploiting these tragedies to push their agenda of demanding not only tolerance of homosexual individuals, but active affirmation of homosexual conduct and their efforts to redefine the family."
Tony, Tony, Tony. It warms my heart to know that conservative Christian groups NEVER try to exploit tragedies to push their agenda....The fact is that conservative Christian groups will use any circumstance to exploit their agenda...Does anyone remember the non-controversy of store employees wishing people Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas? Conservative Christian groups excel at exploiting most circumstances to push their agenda. Conservative Christians as the ultimate "victim" has too commonly become part of the American narrative.
As for GLSEN efforts to redefine the family -- guess what Tony, the family already has been redefined. It started when interracial couples married, against the preaching of many conservative Christian churches, who used the Bible to promote the separation of races. It continues with same-sex families, where parents want to raise their children free from hatred and bigotry. It continues in single parent homes, where mothers and fathers also want to raise their children in loving and tolerant environments.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Hold On Just One Minute
A new Rasmussen survey shows Republicans leading Democrats in the generic congressional ballot by just three points, 45% to 42% -- the smallest gap between parties in roughly a year.
It is a testament to our volatile politics these days, we have Rasmussen, a notorious GOP leaning polster showing democrats doing better, and Gallup still has some likely voter scenarios showing them doing badly.
Rasmussen, in my experience, is a very good polster in the last month or so before an election, when their reputation is on the line for being close to the final outcome. Not so much other times, when they give republicans better and dubious numbers.
So I will take this as a good sign that democrats are deciding in larger numbers to go vote. Probably for several reasons, but I suspect, from all the press and polling claiming the repubs will win back congress. They will still lose seat, no matter, but maybe not a wipeout shifting control of congress, or one chamber to the wingnuts.
Christine Odonnell's "I"m not a witch ad"
I am starting to like this woman. Not for the US Senate, but for the comic self parody for someone so young.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
It's All About the Bidness
SANTA CLARITA, Calif. — A private company in Maryland has taken over public libraries in ailing cities in California, Oregon, Tennessee and Texas, growing into the country’s fifth-largest library system.
Can a municipal service like a library hold so central a place that it should be entrusted to a profit-driven contractor only as a last resort — and maybe not even then?
It should be obvious that yes, a service like a library is held so central to a place it should not be entrusted to a profit-driven contractor. There are several reasons why this is a bad idea, and among them is certainly a sense of community free from the competitive wrangling people do during their work lives. But much more obvious is the library being a source, and sometimes a primary source of objective information, free from possible, or probable ideological corruption of information. Which is rampant and increasing as conservation alternate realities are on the rise to install right wing dogma in government and about everywhere else. Such as the war on science and substituting religious concepts and morality that are bible based and highly subjective. The smearing of the science of evolution is a prime example of this.
But mostly for me, it is the ethos of capitalism and profit worship above all else, in service to wealth and power becoming the first value leading this country into fear and ignorance of other values, such as art and literature and the like, that is most alarming. This God of Profit almost always is followed by other right wing misinformation contrived to dumb down our national reality and discourse, and needs to remain in the realm of the economic rather than allowed to infect the realm of broad knowledge and objective information.
“A lot of libraries are atrocious,” Mr. Pezzanite said. “Their policies are all about job security. That’s why the profession is nervous about us. You can go to a library for 35 years and never have to do anything and then have your retirement. We’re not running our company that way. You come to us, you’re going to have to work.”
Of course, it is the disease of liberal laziness as the culprit, polluting our precious bodily fluids, and if the pointy heads would get a real job then libraries could become what they should be. Just another source of business jesus keeping folks in line.
It's all about the code. The right wing code.

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Yes, let's have her advise our children
Politics of the Damned
There is an opportunity for Obama and dems to take the initiative here, again doing the right thing, for them to propose their own tax cuts for the mc only, and announce the truth that the temp Bush ones have run their course. And tailor those DEM cuts to dem priorities and tell the rich to suck an egg, and the wingnuts. Rather than stage a phony vote that could well backfire on them in the end. The lizard brain is good at flanking such maneuvers from their prey.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
When the right filibusters its own ideals to death
From Salon. More evidence that conservatives and tea partiers have no other agenda than to get rid of our black President.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Unskilled labor
Putting aside issues of the Postal Service and the fact that the internet has drastically changed how we communicate and conduct business, Burkman's comments about unskilled labor were stunning.
Apparently conservatives -- through the tea partiers -- have no problem supporting unskilled individuals to lead our states and even the country. Talk about unskilled labor. Christine O'Donnell and Sarah Palin could easily fall under the category of "unskilled labor." Yet, they are being promoted as the answer to America's future.
If you are a person of color genuinely trying to make an honest living to support your family and community you don't deserve a chance. If you are white and stupid, but profess Christian values and spout vacuous slogans, you are worthy to lead.
The tea party movement is nothing more than cover for racist individuals to exercise their racism under the guise of supposedly patriot Americans concerned with the country's direction.
From the Mouths of Crazy People
"Do you know, where does this phrase 'separation of church and state' come from?" Urquhart asked at a campaign event last April. "It was not in Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists. ... The exact phrase 'separation of Church and State' came out of Adolph Hitler’s mouth, that's where it comes from. So the next time your liberal friends talk about the separation of Church and State ask them why they’re Nazis."
You can likely get away with that in South Carolina, but in Delaware some explaining is in order, so Mr. Urquart doubles down and follows with the "out of context" card.
According to Delaware Online, "Urquhart says the statement was taken out of context and that he did not explain his point very well. If he could do it over, he said, he would add more historical context and explain why he rejects Hitler's take on the relationship between government and the church."
"I didn't mean to suggest -- and I am not suggesting -- that people who are liberals are Nazis,"
Oh yes you did dumbfuck. The internet never forgets, nor forgives.

Friday, September 17, 2010
Huckabee, Let Them Eat Cake and Die
"It sounds so good, and it's such a warm message to say we're not gonna deny anyone from a preexisting condition," Huckabee explained at the Value Voters Summit today. "Look, I think that sounds terrific, but I want to ask you something from a common sense perspective. Suppose we applied that principle [to] our property insurance. And you can call your insurance agent and say, "I'd like to buy some insurance for my house." He'd say, "Tell me about your house." "Well sir, it burned down yesterday, but I'd like to insure it today." And he'll say "I'm sorry, but we can't insure it after it's already burned." Well, no preexisting conditions.

Christine O'Donnell: Con Artist | Video Cafe
And today O'Donnell is speaking at the Family Research Council's Values Summit, not doubt explaining to the group that a "leader should be above reproach," and therefore, she is stepping down as the Republican candidate for Senator.
Or not.........
We are all stupid now
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Poster Child
Watch it. It is revealing. If the Democratic Party in Delaware can't destroy her with her own words, than they deserve to loose. She states that "leaders should be beyond reproach." This was during a discussion on lying. Considering she has a past littered with lies, I guess she would consider herself incapable of leading. She basically admits that she is unworthly of the position she seeks without even realizing it. She lied about her college degree; she lied about her supposed admittance to Princeton, and she lied about her financial expenses, charging her household expenses to her campaign.
Karl Rove Surrenders to General Malkin
Ms. O'Donnell, you see is the darling mini me for Sarah Palin, the perky prophet to lead the wingnut tribe out of the wilderness of mainstream republicanism, into the promised land of real America. That would be the mainstream GOP of Karl Rove and George Bush and Dick Cheney, and the chamber of horrors they inflicted on the nation for 8 long years, including bankrupting the country, torture, invasions of countries for no good reason, But most importantly, and likely primary to their real cause, the old vanguard losing all power and letting a darkie Muslim move into the White House.
But there is no indication they now oppose the worst of the policies of George Bush, but more like he didn't go far enough with right wing authoritarianism, and had his precious bodily fluids drained by crypto socialist advisers, like maybe Rove, who knows? And didn't deal with the scourge of masturbation on his watch. And assorted other creepy shit under the banner of "real America" and "taking back OUR country"
But never mind, Mr. Rove has been shown the light by the real leaders of the GOP, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, and Palin.
Since he made that comment, commentators from Michelle Malkin to Sarah Palin to Rush Limbaugh have called Rove everything from incompetent to traitorous. The end result? Rove has come to embody the "establishment" in discussions about O'Donnell. And as anyone knows, this year, the "establishment" label on a Republican resume is about as popular as a meat dress at a PETA meeting.
So perhaps it's no surprise that Rove buckled under the pressure of his right-wing critics, rushing onto Fox this morning to change the narrative. How can you call me establishment? he asked. I supported Sharron Angle for goodness' sake! And as to that whole "the GOP Senate majority is doomed" thing, Rove is now claiming that not only does he think O'Donnell can win, he actually orchestrated sending NRSC money to her campaign.
It seems for the GOP these days, no one there gets out alive. Either you kiss the Dragon ring, or off with your head. With the taking down of high once guru of republican politics, humbled into formation by the triad of RINO hunters, the deal is closed, signed sealed and delivered to the grave of Richard Nixon, who started all this "southern strategy" shit.
Conservative Principles
Michelle Obama's campaign against obesity is an attack on personal choice and individual rights and responsibilities. But, O'Donnell's campaign against masturbation is not.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I am sick
Conservatives are the first to say that they want to return to traditional values. Since when do traditional values means fidelity to incompetence? Even given that our past excluded blacks and women from basic rights, as well as political, economic and educational opportunities, I remember that our parents, communities, and government valued hard work and education as a means to creating a better society, community, and family life.
Now, we have conservatives equating incompetence, lying, and lack of education and a professional profile with good governance. Are conservatives candidates really the way forward when other countries are promoting good education, technical skills, and innovation as a means to generating strong economies and solid markets?
We are going backwards. Supporting poor candidates that cannot even hold a job as somehow our leaders for the future.
Conservatives the message you can give your children is that lying, stealing, cheating are today's values. Just make sure that your lying, stealing, and cheating are masked in conservative Christianity, and you, too, can become the next candidate for Senator.
I am really sick.
'Tea party's' Dick Armey: A GOP majority would take up abortion fight - CSMonitor.com
Why when old white Congressmen are voted out of office do they think that they can still control the national political and social agenda and that they still speak for the majority of Americans. Armey is using tons of money to keep himself out in front and relevant. If he wasn't funding the tea baggers, they would have faded away. But, he is funding them and having a group of crazy followers is giving him the allusion that he still matters.
I truly believe that no matter what happens in November, his more than 15 minutes of fame are going to be over shortly after the elections. The tea party movement is bankrupt, with not one good idea coming out of all of these rallies and marches, etc. If the GOP retakes Congress, the lack of ideas and their inability to govern will become evident. And, then it will be our turn.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Stink Bugs
They apparently love gardens, hate the cold, and now that fall is coming, they are looking for warm spaces to spend the winter.
Since I am not renting any rooms in my house, I really want them to move south -- I am thinking that since Virginia gets more conservative the more south one goes, and since apparently they "stink" upon contact, Southern Virginia is a perfect location for an invasion.
Authentically Dishonest
Today's "authentically dishonest" award goes to Attorney Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, for speaking at the 9/12 March on DC about fighting against the "elites."
Can't even make this stuff up.............
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Difficult discussion
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Back to the Stone Age
“The four corners of deceit: government, academia, science and media. Those institutions are now corrupt and exist by virtue of deceit. That's how they promulgate themselves; it is how they prosper.” It is tempting to laugh off this and other rhetoric broadcast by Rush Limbaugh, a conservative US radio host, but Limbaugh and similar voices are no laughing matter.
The blather by Fox and Limbaugh and all the other screamers of fear and doom from the right sometimes, or often seems so crazy, it is hard to believe that many Americans will believe it. But right now before the coming election in November, republicans are poised to make big gains in government via congress.
And as Nature notes, it couldn't come at a worse time, the assault on science.
The anti-science strain pervading the right wing in the United States is the last thing the country needs in a time of economic challenge.The right-wing populism that is flourishing in the current climate of economic insecurity echoes many traditional conservative themes, such as opposition to taxes, regulation and immigration. But the Tea Party and its cheerleaders, who include Limbaugh, Fox News television host Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin (who famously decried fruitfly research as a waste of public money), are also tapping an age-old US political impulse — a suspicion of elites and expertise.
Ah, the dread nameless faceless elites, looking to suck out the precious bodily fluids of god fearin' capitalistic American's. This is an old tried and true trick from the right wing, that since WW2 and The Cold War, centers on fears of collectism, aka, Communism, Socialism etc.../ Thus the concentrated attacks on Obama for HCR, bailouts, Finreg and all the steps that were taken to actually save our economy from republican governance the past eight years, and really the past 30 years of installing conservative ideas into the economic engine, that nearly killed it in 2008. Nevermind, that any rational person would not consider scientists and educators as actual elitists of malevolent intent.. Those, for a thinking person with average intelligence, would be Wall Street Bankers, and torture loving Dick Cheney.
This country is screwed up right now. Up is down, wrong is right, but black still is black. God help us in the near term. We are in for some very very rough sledding in this country, and our 4th estate media does not seem to see fit to do their constitutional duty and call bullshit bullshit on a daily basis.

We can be next
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Obama and Dems Problem
A new AP-GfK Poll finds that Americans "with the strongest opinions about the country's most divisive issues are largely unhappy with how President Obama is handling them, an ominous sign for Democrats hoping to retain control of Congress in the fall elections."
In nine of 15 issues examined, "more Americans who expressed intense interest in a problem voiced strong opposition to Obama's work on it, including the economy, unemployment, federal deficits and terrorism."
These people also say they will vote for the Republican candidate in their local House race this fall. Only those highly interested in the environment lean toward the Democrats.
via Political Wire
Monday, August 30, 2010
Let the games begin
The irony is that not one commenter or call-in raised any Constitutional issues regarding taking the country back for "real" Christianity. That the founding fathers and our founding fathers supported a Christian nation was taken as a given. That those who call themselves Christians get to pick and choose who is pure enough. And, that yes we have freedom of religion, as long as we recognize that conservative Christianity trumps all other religions and has a priviledged place in our culture, and hopefully, for some (too many) in our government.
So as far as I can tell, the rules of the game are this. Carry the Constitution, preach a return to basic Constitutional values and precepts, but don't actually read what the Constitution says, or value how our founding fathers struggled to ensure a secular government. And, don't ever mess with our ability to carry guns.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Charismatic Leaders
WTF. Saying MLK's legacy is not about race and social justice is like saying that the Holocaust had nothing to do with Jews.
The New Mormon Billy Graham
"This guy's on secular radio and television," Land said Saturday, "but his shows sound like you're listening to the Trinity Broadcasting Network, only it's more orthodox and there's no appeal for money ... and today he sounded like Billy Graham."
That's right, the leader of the Southern Babtist Evangelicals just compared Glen Beck to Billy Graham.
On Friday night, Beck held a religion-focused event at the Kennedy Center that was billed as Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny.
Beyond creepy, because there are just too many idiots in this country that will glom onto this messianic nonsense, at least so long as a black man occupies the WH. It is surreal lie pile onto surreal lie that could well catch on in a country currently undergoing major economic transition and all the fear that brings to the table.
Beck's speeches around his "Restoring Honor" rally have brimmed with religious language: "God dropped a giant sandbag on his head" to push him to organize the rally, he said Friday.
I doubt God dropping anything but his jaw at this weird shit, and that sand was in that bag.
via CNN blog
Friday, August 27, 2010
Just 2 Stay at home moms....
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
One woman issue
number of times I have read something said on Fox, and it ends up as part of the religious right narrative. And, how often there is a rant on religious radio, and it becomes part of the daily rant of idiots on Fox. Except of course the fact that the parent company of Fox is 7% owned by the Saudis.
If Republicans/conservatives were not married to the religious right, and if some much of what is said by them wasn't filtered through the supposed tenets of Christianity, the utter corruption of the Republicans in Congress would be visible.
And, we would be having a completely different debate nationally. The birthers, the tea partiers, religion, the community center in NY, etc., are all filtered through the lens of the religious right, lapped up by Republicans.
They will gain seats in November, not because Republicans can govern, or even have the interests of the country at heart, but because the religious right wants to regain power -- the type of power and accessibility to government they had under Bush. They want what they believe is their God-given and Constitutional right to control the social agenda of Americans, even as they chant limited government, individual responsibility, etc. The religious right only wants limited government as it relates to free markets and deregulation. They want government intervention as it relates to some of the most intimate decisions individuals and families make.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Like the Birthers, Here Come the Baptizers
Where's the faith? The wingnuts can't take on faith that Obama has faith. Lordy sakes alive, as my dear departed Granny used to say
The current president has neither a church, nor, to my knowledge, even a denomination. When I'm asked questions about his faith, by sincere people not looking to attack, I sincerely can't give a good answer. It's a problem I didn't have with any of the Bushes, the Clintons, Reagan, Carter, and on and on.
Of course, it shouldn't be difficult to rectify misperceptions. Throughout American history, presidents have been asked about their faith and sat for lengthy interviews sharing their thinking, explaining precisely what they believe. Why doesn't Obama simply do the same? This isn't rocket science ... Obama's problem isn't a tiny fringe that believes he faces Mecca to pray five times a day, but an increasingly large number of Americans that aren't sure what he believes. Until he makes that clearer, confusion will understandably reign.
But of course, Obama has explained his faith in interviews and elsewhere.
Google tells us so in many ways, but never mind, these guys are doubt sowers like little Johnny Appleseed tosses out seeds of Apple trees, these guys do it with heartfelt concern and bewilderment. To grow Obama into a stealth Muslim, which is there aim, the same way a pride of lions work often in tandem to get the prey running into traps set by other lions down the way.
Then there are the Obama may be Christian, but so what concern trolls. A little passive aggressive who knows wordplay always comes in handy with this type of godbotherer. Raises questions in the mind of those looking for them already, right?
In the aftermath of Obama's unsolicited, controversial dictates over the Ground Zero mosque debate, White House image-makers are now trying to convince the public he is a devout Christian. Specific to that point, he may not be a Muslim, but I'm convinced he isn't a Christian, either.
As evidence of his devoutness, the White House has entered into evidence that he allegedly prays every day. Let me be clear – praying every day no more makes one a Christian than walking across a stream makes one a fisherman.
Prayer, like anything else, can be faked, of course, especially, did you hear, Obama supports A MOSQUE at ground zero. What more doubt do you need for proof to wonder to just what God Obama prays to. Proves nothing, right? And quoting a little bible speak is always a good cherry on top to highlight a point. And that point of course is, OBAMA MUST BE A MOOOOSLIM!!
And finally, we get to the kicker. A new updated version of "show us the birth certificate, Obama" "what are you hiding"?
he phrase, “having been baptized,” is apparently based on Obama’s claim about being baptized. Our major media haven’t questioned the claim.
Miller went on to say, “His baptism presents its own problems. The senior pastor at Trinity at the time of Obama’s baptism was the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., the preacher who was seen damning America on cable TV…”
Notice the formulation, “at the time of Obama’s baptism.” She carefully does not say that Wright performed the baptism. In fact, there’s no evidence it was a baptism in the traditional sense that it was performed by Wright or anybody else. It looks like Obama walked down the aisle and made a profession of faith. That is not a Christian baptism.
And there you have it. The circle is squared, allegation cloaked in mystery, that google easily solves, followed by "he may be Christian, but what does that mean really?" I mean, anybody really KNOW whether Obama prays, and to whom whatever? Finalized by, hints of documented proof of being dunked in the river of baptism, signed sealed and delivered by a righteously acceptable vessel of the lord, no short form accepted, nor photo copies, or any other proof but the original parchment in real time. The anatomy of a right wing smear. Televised by Fox soon.
via Right Wing Watch

Stimulate Me
The massive stimulus package boosted real GDP by up to 4.5 percent in the second quarter of 2010 and put up to 3.3 million people to work, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday.
However, economists don't believe it.
The massive stimulus package boosted real GDP by up to 4.5 percent in the second quarter of 2010 and put up to 3.3 million people to work, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday.
But the CBO reports that the stimulus had a stabilizing effect on halting the slide of the economy over the depression cliff. I call that a success, and it saved and created quite a few jobs. Would a new stimulus do the same, probably, for a while. But the problems in our economy run deep into structural problems and how long can we keep it propped up with borrowed money? It is now a political non starter, a new similar sized stimulus, so the natural contraction will begin and there will be much pain. This can be alleviated quite a bit by keeping the safety net funded and the states solvent with federal dollars, but to keep throwing gasoline on a fire long in coming, and arguably necessary for long term economic stability, there would have to be political appetite with the public and politicians, and that just isn't there.
The massive package of tax cuts, construction spending and enhanced safety-net benefits was passed in February 2009 in the midst of the deepest recession since the 1930s.
It raised employment by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million jobs during the second quarter of this year, CBO estimated.
Measured another way, CBO said the stimulus increased the number of full-time equivalent jobs by up to 4.8 million, as part-time workers shifted to full-time work or employers offered more overtime work.
CBO said the package, officially known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, would cost $814 billion, down from its previous estimate of $862 billion. The lower figure was thanks largely to health-care subsidies that cost less than anticipated. CBO initially estimated the bill would worsen budget deficits by $787 billion.

Monday, August 23, 2010
My head is spinning
Back to the Jews. As the wingnuts were going on and on about how only through Jesus will we reach salvation, and Islam clearly doesn't fall in line, there was no mention that Jews are more aligned with Islam than Christianity. We, too, don't acknowledge Jesus. Go figure. Yet, somehow being American, and believing in religious freedom, means being Christian because our Constitution affords Christianity a prominant place in our distribution of rights because the Constitution promotes freedom of religious, which if you are a true American that would mean a belief in Christianity.
I have a headache. Not even copious amounts of wine can get passed all of this rhetoric. No one mentioned that the Saudis own 7% of Fox News. BUT, there was a lot of talk about how we should investigate the Saudi funding of the projected community center in NY.
I did understand that free markets extend to Christian businesses and community centers, but apparently the free market does not extend to Muslims interests. Except Fox News.
So to sum up, freedom of religion is a valued American ideal, as long as the religion is Christianity. Not Islam, and never, ever mention the Jews. Free markets extend to Christian enterprises, and not to Muslims, and never, ever mention the Jews.
So now I know what it takes to be pro-American in these times.